Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 17

chapter 17 Managing Water: irrigation and drainage

Figure 17



e 17 3. Left: Sat

a ellite image

of southwest Kans


as, showing

as, sho

crop cir



op cir es from c

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er-piv t

irrigation s



tion s stems. Photo by

o b

NASA. Right: Groundw

. Right: Gr


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t s stem on a



return on investment. The Imperial Irrigation District,

area—uses center-pivot irrigation systems supported by

located in the dry desert of Southern California,

located in the dry desert of Southern California, was


the large (174,

the large (174,000-square-mile) Ogallala aq

000-square-mile) Ogallala aquifer, which

uifer, which

developed in the 1940s with the div

developed in the 1940s with the diversion of water from

ersion of water from

is a relatively shallow and accessible water source (fi

is a relatively shallow and accessible water source (figure


the Colorado River. Even today,

the Colorado River. Even today, large-scale irrigation

large-scale irrigation

17.3, left).

left). It is,

It is, however,

however, being used faster than it is

being used faster than it is

systems, like the GAP project in southeastern Turkey

recharging from rainfall—clearly an unsustainable prac-

(figure 17.

gure 17.2), are being initiated. Such projects often

are being initiated. Such projects often

tice. Deeper wells that require more energy—plus,

Deeper wells that require more energy—plus, more

drive major economic development efforts in the region

expensive energy—to pump water will make this mining

and function as a major source for national or inter-

of water an increasingly questionable practice.

national food or fi

national food or fiber production.

ber production. On the other hand,

On the other hand,

large dams also frequently have detrimental effects of


y ed W



ed W e

ast w

e a

w t

a er


displacing people and flooding productive cropland or

displacing people and flooding productive cropland or

In recent years, water scarcity has forced governments

important wetlands.

and farmers to look for alternative sources of irrigation

water. Since agricultural water does not require the




oundw t

a er


When good aquifers are present, groundwater is a

relatively inexpensive source of irrigation water. A sig-

nificant advantage is that it can be pumped locally and

cant advantage is that it can be pumped locally and

does not require large government-sponsored invest-

ments in dams and canals. It also has less impact on

regional hydrology and ecosystems, although pumping

water from deep aquifers requires energy.

water from deep aquifers requires energy. Center-pivot


overhead sprinklers (fi

erhead sprinklers (figure 17.

gure 17.3, right) are often used,

right) are often used,

and individual systems,

and individual systems, irrigating from 120 to 500 acres,

irrigating from 120 to 500 acres,

typically draw from their own well. A good source of

groundwater is critical for the success of such systems,

and low salt levels are especially critical to prevent

Figure 17



e 174. Recycl

y ed wast

ed w ewa

w t

a er from the Cit

er fr

y of Adelaide, Austra

aide, Austr lia,

the buildup of soil salinity. Most of the western U.S.

is pumped into an irrigation pond f


or a v

tion pond f


or a v etable farm. W

e f


arm. W ewa

w t

a er-




onv ying pipes are paint

ying pipes ar

ed purple to distinguish them from fr

o distinguish them fr


om fr


eshw t

a er

Great Plains—much of it part of the former Dust Bowl




Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent



chAPter 17 Managing Water: irrigation and drainage

same quality as drinking water, recycled wastewater is

a good alternative. It is being used in regions where (1)

MAIn tYPes of IrrIGAtIon

densely populated areas generate significant quanti-

• Flood, or furrow, irrigation

ties of wastewater and are close to irrigation districts,

• Sprinkler irrigation

and (2) surface or groundwater sources are very limited

• Drip, or trickle, irrigation

or need to be transported over long distances. Several

• Manual irrigation

irrigation districts in the U.S. are working with munici-

palities to provide safe recycled wastewater, although

inexact and typically uneven. Also, these systems are

some concerns still exist about long-term effects. Other

most associated with salinization concerns, as they can

nations with advanced agriculture and critical water

easily raise groundwater tables. Flood irrigation is also

shortages—notably Israel and Australia—have also

used in rice production systems in which dikes are used

implemented wastewater recycling systems for irrigation

to keep the water ponded.

purposes (figure 17.4).

Sprinkler irrigation systems apply water

through pressurized sprinkler heads and require

Irrigation Methods

conduits (pipes) and pumps. Common systems include

Flood, or furrow, irrigation is the historical

stationary sprinklers on risers (figure 17.6) and traveling

approach and remains widely used around the world.

overhead sprinklers (center-pivot and lateral; figures

It basically involves the simple flooding of a field for a

17.3 and 17.1). These systems allow for more precise

limited amount of time, allowing the water to infiltrate.

water application rates than flooding systems and more

If the field has been shaped into ridges and furrows,

efficient water use. But they require larger up-front

the water is applied through the furrows and infiltrates

investments, and the pumps use energy. Large, traveling

down and laterally into the ridges (figure 17.5). Such

gun sprayers can efficiently apply water to large areas

systems mainly use gravity flow and require nearly flat

and are also used to apply liquid manure.

fields. These systems are by far the cheapest to install

Localized irrigation—especially useful for tree

and use, but their water application rates are very

crops—can often be accomplished using small sprinklers

Figure 17.5. Furrow irrigation is general y inexpensive but also inefficient Figure 17.6. Portable sprinkler irrigation system commonly used with

with respect to water use. Photo by USDA-ERS.

horticultural crops.


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent




chAPter 17 Managing Water: irrigation and drainage

Drip irrigation systems are relatively inexpensive, can be

installed easily, use low pressure, and have low energy

consumption. In small-scale systems like market gardens,

pressure may be applied through a gravity hydraulic head

from a water container on the small platform. Subsurface

drip irrigation systems, in which the lines and emitters

are semipermanently buried to allow field operations, are

now also coming into use. Such systems require attention

to the placement of the tubing and emitters; they need to

be close to the plant roots, as lateral water flow from the

trickle line through the soil is limited.

Manual irrigation involves watering cans, buck-

ets, garden hoses, inverted soda bottles, etc. Although it

Figure 17.7. Small (micro) sprinklers al ow for localized water application at low cost. Photo by Thomas Scherer.

doesn’t fit with large-scale agriculture, it is still widely

used in gardens and small-scale agriculture in underde-

(figure 17.7) that are connected using small-diameter

veloped countries.

“spaghetti tubing” and relatively small pumps, making

Fertigation is an efficient method to apply fertil-

the system comparatively inexpensive.

izer to plants through pumped systems like sprinkler

Drip, or trickle, irrigation systems also use

and drip irrigation. The fertilizer source is mixed with

flexible or spaghetti tubing combined with small emitters.

the irrigation water to provide low doses of liquid

They are mostly used in bedded or tree crops using a line

fertilizer that are readily absorbed by the crop. This

source with many regularly spaced emitters or applied

also allows for “spoon feeding” of fertilizer to the crop

directly near the plant through a point-source emitter

through multiple small applications, which would other-

(figure 17.8). The main advantage of drip irrigation is the

wise be a logistical challenge.

parsimonious use of water and the high level of control.

Figure 17.8. Drip irrigation of bean plants. Lateral movement of water to reach plant roots may be limited with drip systems (left), unless each crop row has its own drip line or the spacing between rows is decreased by using narrow twin rows (right). Note: The apparent leaf discoloration is due to a low sun angle.


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent



chAPter 17 Managing Water: irrigation and drainage

Figure 17.9. Over-irrigation can raise groundwater tables (visible at bottom of pit, left). Surface evaporation of water traveling upward through soil capillaries (very small channels) from the shal ow groundwater causes salt accumulation (right).

Environmental Concerns and Management Practices

lower soil horizons are also saline. Irrigation systems

Irrigation has numerous advantages, but significant con-

in arid regions should be designed to supply water and

cerns exist as well. The main threat to soil health in dry

also to remove water—implying that irrigation should

regions is the accumulation of salts—and in some cases

be combined with drainage. This may seem paradoxical,

also sodium. As salt accumulation increases in the soil,

but salts need to be removed by application of additional

crops have more difficulty getting the water that’s there.

water to dissolve the salts, leach them out of the soil,

When sodium accumulates, aggregates break down and

and subsequently remove the leachate through drains or

soils become dense and impossible to work (chapter

ditches, where the drain water may still create concerns

6). Over the centuries, many irrigated areas have been

for downstream areas due to its high salt content. One of

abandoned due to salt accumulation, and it is still a

the long-term success stories of irrigated agriculture—

major threat in several areas in the U.S. and elsewhere

the lower Nile Valley—provided irrigation during the

(figure 17.9). Salinization is the result of the evaporation

river’s flood stage in the fall and natural drainage after

of irrigation water, which leaves salts behind. It

it subsided to lower levels in the winter and spring. In

is especially prevalent with flood irrigation systems,

which tend to over-apply water and can raise saline

concerns WIth IrrIGAtIon

groundwater tables. Once the water table gets close to

• accumulation of salts and/or sodium in the soil

the surface, capillary water movement transports soil

• energy use

water to the surface, where it evaporates and leaves

• increased potential for nutrient and pesticide loss

salts behind. When improperly managed, this can

• water use diverted from natural systems

render soils unproductive within a matter of years.

• displacement of people by large dams and possible

Salt accumulation can also occur with other irrigation

flooding of productive cropland, wetlands, or

practices—even with drip systems, especially when the

archaeological sites

climate is so dry that leaching of salts does not occur

• competing users: urban areas and downstream

through natural precipitation.


The removal of salts is difficult, especially when


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent

chAPter 17 Managing Water: irrigation and drainage

some cases, deep-rooted trees are used to lower regional

application rates and amounts can push nitrates and

water tables, which is the approach used in the highly

pesticides past the root zone and increase groundwater

salinized plains of the Murray Darling Basin in south-

contamination. Soil saturation from high application

eastern Australia. Several large-scale irrigation projects

rates can also generate denitrification losses.

around the world were designed only for the water sup-

A bigger issue with irrigation, especially at regional

ply component, and funds were not allocated for drain-

and global scales, is the high water consumption levels

age systems, ultimately causing salinization.

and competing interests. Agriculture consumes approxi-

The removal of sodium can be accomplished by

mately 70% of the global water withdrawals. Humans

exchange with calcium on the soil exchange complex,

use less than a gallon of water per day for direct con-

which is typically done through the application of gyp-

sumption, but about 150 gallons are needed to produce

sum. In general, salinity and sodicity are best prevented

a pound of wheat and 1,800 gallons are needed for a

through good water management. (See chapter 20 for

pound of beef (table 17.1, p. 188). According to the U.S.

discussion of reclaiming saline and sodic soils.)

Geological Survey, 68% of high-quality groundwater

Salt accumulation is generally not an issue in humid

withdrawals in the U.S. are used for irrigation. Is this

regions, but over-irrigation raises concerns about nutri-

sustainable? The famous Ogallala aquifer mostly holds

ent and pesticide leaching losses in these areas. High

“ancient” water that accumulated during previous wetter

climates. As mentioned above, withdrawals are currently

larger than the recharge rates, and this limited resource

is therefore slowly being mined.

Good IrrIGAtIon MAnAGeMent

Several large irrigation systems affect international

• Build soil to be more resistant to crusting and drought

relations. The high withdrawal rates from the Colorado

by increasing organic matter contents, aggregation,

River diminish it to a trickle by the time it reaches

and rooting volume.

the U.S.-Mexico border and the estuary in the Gulf

• Use water conservatively: Consider deficit irrigation

of California. Similarly, Turkey’s decision to promote


agricultural development through the diversion of

• Monitor soil, plant, and weather for precise estima-

Euphrates waters has created tensions with the down-

tion of irrigation needs.

stream countries, Syria and Iraq.

• Use precise water application rates; do not over-irrigate.

• Use water storage systems to accumulate rainfall

Irrigation Management at the Farm Level

when feasible.

Sustainable irrigation management and prevention of

• Use good-quality recycled wastewater when available.

salt and sodium accumulation require solid planning,

• Reduce tillage and leave surface residues.

appropriate equipment, and monitoring. A first step is

• Use mulches to reduce surface evaporation.

to build the soil so it optimizes water use by the crop. As

• Integrate water and fertilizer management to reduce

we discussed in chapters 5 and 6, soils that are low in


organic matter and high in sodium have low infiltration

• Prevent salt or sodium accumulation: Leach salt

capacities due to surface sealing and crusting from low

through drainage, and reduce sodium contents

aggregate stability. Overhead irrigation systems often

through gypsum application.

apply water as “hard rain,” creating further problems

with surface sealing and crusting.


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent

chAPter 17 Managing Water: irrigation and drainage

Healthy soils have more water supply capacity than

Table 17.2

soils that are compacted and depleted of organic matter.

Plant-Available Water Capacity in Long-Term Tillage and

Rotation Experiments in New York

It is estimated that for every 1% loss in organic matter

Tillage Experiments

Plant-Available Water Capacity (%)

content in the surface foot, soil can hold 16,500 gallons

Plow till

No till

% increase

less of plant-available water per acre. Additionally, sur-

face compaction creates lower root health and density,

Silt loam—33 years




and hard subsoils limit rooting volume. These processes

Silt loam—13 years




are captured by the concept of the optimum water

Clay loam—13 years




range—which we discussed in chapter 6—where the com-





Corn after grass % increase

bination of compaction and lower plant-available water

Loamy sand—12 years




retention capacity limits the soil water range for healthy

Sandy clay—12 years




plant growth. Such soils therefore have less efficient crop

Source: Moebius et al. (2008).

water use and require additional applications of irrigation

water. In fact, it is believed that many farms in humid cli-

rainfall events. Building a healthier soil will reduce

mates have started to use supplemental irrigation because

irrigation needs and conserve water, because increased

their soils have become compacted and depleted of

plant water availability extends the time until the onset

organic matter. As we discussed before, poor soil manage-

of drought stress and greatly reduces the probability of

ment is often compensated for by increased inputs.

stress. For example, let’s assume that a degraded soil

Reducing tillage, adding organic amendments,

with a plow pan (A) can provide adequate water to a

preventing compaction, and using perennial

crop for 8 days without irrigation, and a healthy soil

crops in rotations can increase water storage. A long-

with deep rooting (B) allows for 12 days. A 12-day con-

term experiment showed that reducing tillage and using

tinuous drought, however, is much less likely. Based on

crop rotations increased plant-available water capacity

climate data for the northeastern U.S., the probability of

in the surface horizon by up to 34% (table 17.2). When

such an event in the month of July is 1 in 100 (1%), while

adding organic matter, consider stable sources that are

the probability for an 8-day dry period is 1 in 20 (5%).

mostly composed of “very dead” materials such as com-

The crops growing on soil A would run out of water and

posts. They are more persistent in soil and are a primary

suffer stress in July in 5% of years, while the crops on

contributor to soil water retention. But don’t forget fresh

soil B would be stressed in only 1% of years. A healthy

residues (the “dead”) that help form new and stable

soil would reduce or eliminate the need for irrigation in

aggregates. Increasing rooting depth greatly increases

many cases.

plant water availability by extending the volume of soil

Increasing surface cover— especially with heavy

available for roots to explore. When distinct plow pans

mulch—significantly reduces evaporation from the soil

are present, ripping through them makes subsoil water

surface. Cover crops can increase soil organic