Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 18 nutrient ManageMent: an introduCtion


The best single overall strategy for nutrient management

the Abcs of nutrIent MAnAGeMent

is to enhance the levels of organic matter in soils (figure

a. Build up and maintain high soil organic matter levels.

18.1). This is especially true of N and P. Soil organic

b. Test manures and credit their nutrient content

matter, together with any freshly applied residues, are

before applying fertilizers or other amendments.

well-known sources of N for plants. Mineralization of

c. Incorporate manures into the soil quickly, if

P and sulfur from organic matter is also an important

possible, to reduce N volatilization and potential

source of these nutrients. As discussed earlier, organic

loss of nutrients in runoff.

matter helps hold on to positively charged potassium

d. Test soils regularly to determine the nutrient

(K+), calcium (Ca++), and magnesium (Mg++) ions. It

status and whether or not manures, fertilizers,

also provides natural chelates that maintain micronu-

or lime is needed.

trients such as zinc, copper, and manganese in forms

e. Balance nutrient inflows and removals to maintain

that plants can use. In addition, the improved soil tilth

optimal levels and al ow a little “drawdown” if

and the growth-promoting substances produced during

nutrient levels get too high.

organic matter decomposition help the plant develop a

f. Enhance soil structure and reduce field runoff

more extensive root system, allowing it to obtain nutri-

by minimizing soil compaction damage.

ents from a larger volume of soil.

g. Use forage legumes or legume cover crops to

provide N to following crops and develop good


soil tilth.

For economic and environmental reasons, it makes

h. Use cover crops to tie up nutrients in the off

sense for plants to more efficiently utilize nutrient

season, enhance soil structure, reduce runoff

cycling on the farm. Goals should include a reduction in

and erosion, and provide microbes with fresh

long-distance nutrient flows, as well as promoting “true”

organic matter.

on-farm cycling, in which nutrients return in the form

i. Maintain soil pH in the optimal range for the

of crop residue or manure to the fields from which they

most sensitive crops in your rotation.

came. There are a number of strategies to help farmers

j. When P and K are very deficient, broadcast some

reach the goal of better nutrient cycling:

of the fertilizer to increase the general soil fertility

Reduce unintended losses by promoting water

level, and band apply some as well.

infiltration and better root health through enhanced

k. To get the most efficient use of a fertilizer when P

management of soil organic matter and physical

and K levels are in the medium range, consider band

properties. Ways organic matter can be built up and

application at planting, especial y in cool climates.

maintained include increased additions of a variety of

sources of organic matter, plus methods for reducing

salts from the irrigation below the root zone.)

losses via tillage and conservation practices. In addi-

Enhance nutrient uptake efficiency by care-

tion, apply only the amount of irrigation water needed

fully using fertilizers and amendments, as well as

to refill the root zone. Applying more irrigation water

irrigation practices. Better placement and synchro-

than needed can cause both runoff and leaching losses

nizing application with plant growth both improve

of nutrients. (In arid climates occasional extra water

efficiency of fertilizer nutrients. Sometimes changing

applications will be needed to leach accumulating

planting dates or switching to a new crop creates a


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent