Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 18 nutrient ManageMent: an introduCtion

growth-promoting substances


better soil structure and improved


water-holding capacity



active organic matter

(particulate, light fraction)


During the decomposition process,

growth-promoting substances are


produced (A), soil structure is improved

and water-holding capacity is increased

(B), nutrients are mineralized (during C,

passive organic matter

D, and E), and CEC is produced (C, D, and E).

(humus, organo-mineral complexes)

Direct Effects on Nutrient Availability

Indirect Effects on Nutrient Availability

1) Nutrients released during residue decomposition.

1) Growth-promoting substances. Substances produced by bacteria

Relatively high amounts of mineralization of available

promote better root growth and healthier roots and lead to the

nutrients are produced by a combination of rapid

exploration of more soil volume and more surface area for nutrient

decomposition plus previously accumulated POM or

interception and mass flow of nutrients to roots.

a high amount of added residues. Rapid decomposition

is stimulated by intensive tillage, good soil drainage,

2) Better soil structure and improved water-holding capacity. Better

coarse texture, and alternating wet and dry conditions.

soil structure may enhance root development and exploration (see #1).

Good soil structure and plentiful humus content contribute to higher

2) CEC and chelates produced during decomposition

amounts of plant-available water following rains or irrigation. This results


in better plant growth and health and more nutrient movement to roots.

Figure 18.1. Influence of soil organic matter and its management on nutrient availability.

environmental quality. If a soil has good tilth, no

example, in the presence of too low or too high N levels—

subsurface compaction, good drainage, adequate water,

are not able to emit as much of the natural chemicals that

and a good supply of organic matter, plants should be

signal beneficial insects when insect pests feed on leaves

healthy and have large root systems. This enables plants

or fruit. Low K levels aggravate stalk rot of corn. On the

to efficiently take up nutrients and water from the soil

other hand, pod rot of peanuts is associated with excess K

and to use those nutrients to produce higher yields.

within the fruiting zone of peanuts (the top 2 to 3 inches

Doing a good job of managing nutrients on the farm

of soil). Blossom-end rot of tomatoes is related to low cal-

and in individual fields is critical to general plant health

cium levels, often made worse by droughty, or irregular

and management of plant pests. Too much available N in

rainfall or irrigation, conditions.

the early part of the growing season allows small-seeded

When plants either don’t grow well or are more

weeds, with few nutrient reserves, to get well established.

susceptible to pests, that affects the economic return.

This early jump start may then enable them to out-

Yield and crop quality usually are reduced, lower-

compete crop plants later on. Crops do not grow properly

ing the amount of money received. There also may be

if nutrients aren’t present at the right time of the season

added costs to control pests that take advantage of poor

in sufficient quantities and in reasonable balance to one

nutrient management. In addition, when nutrients are

another. Plants may be stunted if nutrient levels are low,

applied beyond plant needs, it’s like throwing money

or they may grow too much foliage and not enough fruit

away. And when N and P are lost from the soil by leach-

if N is too plentiful relative to other nutrients. Plants that

ing to groundwater or running into surface water, entire

are under nutrient stress or growing abnormally—for

communities may suffer from poor water quality.


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent