Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 23 Putting it all together

strive to optimize the system: If a “bad” practice—such

has a dramatic impact on soil biological activity. It

as harvesting in a wet field that contains ripe crops that

encourages the development of earthworm populations,

might spoil if you wait for the soil to dry—is unavoid-

maintains soil moisture, and moderates temperature

able, try to balance it with a “good” practice, thereby

extremes. Compared with conventional tillage, soil ero-

making your soil health account flush.

sion (water, wind, or tillage) is greatly reduced under

If at all possible, use rotations that use grass, legume,

minimum-tillage systems, which help keep organic

or a combination of grass and legume forage crops, or

matter and rich topsoil in place. Any other practices

crops with large amounts of residue as important parts

that reduce soil erosion, such as contour tillage, strip

of the system. Leave residues from annual crops in the

cropping along the contours, and terracing, also help

field, or, if you remove them for feed, composting, or

maintain soil organic matter.

bedding, return them to the soil as manure or compost.

Even if you use minimum-tillage systems, you also

Use cover crops when soils would otherwise be bare to

should use sound crop rotations. In fact, it may be more

add organic matter, capture residual plant nutrients,

important to rotate crops when large amounts of residue

and reduce erosion. Cover crops also help maintain

remain on the surface, as the residue may harbor insect

soil organic matter in resource-scarce regions that lack

Table 23.1

possible substitutes for using crop residues for fuel or

Balance Sheet for Soil Health Management

building materials.

Practice or Condition



Raising animals or having access to animal wastes

Soil Health

Soil Health

from nearby farms gives you a wider choice of economi-


cally sound rotations. Those that include perennial for-

moldboard plowing


ages make hay or pasture available for use by dairy and

chisel plowing


beef cows, sheep, and goats—and nowadays even poultry.



In addition, on mixed crop-livestock farms, animal



manures can be applied to cropland. It’s easier to main-

no/zone/ridge/strip tillage


tain organic matter on a diversified crop-and-livestock


farm, where sod crops are fed to animals and manures



returned to the soil. Compared to crop farms, fewer nutri-



ents leave farms when livestock products are the main

Organic matter additions

economic output. However, growing crops with high

bedded manure


quantities of residues plus frequent use of green manures

liquid manure


and composts from vegetative residues helps maintain



soil organic matter and soil health even without animals.

Cover crops

You can maintain or increase soil organic matter

winter grain


more easily when you use reduced-tillage systems, espe-

winter legume


cially no-till, strip-till, and zone-till. The decreased soil

summer grain


disturbance keeps biological activity and organic matter

summer legume


decomposition near the surface and helps maintain a

Rotation crops

soil structure that allows rainfall to infiltrate rapidly.

3-year sod


Leaving residue on the surface, or applying mulches,

1-year sod



Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent