Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 23 Putting it all together


Reduced tillage

ed til age



Erosion control

Erosion control

Cover crops

Cover crops

Manures, composts

Manures, composts



Prevent compaction

Figure 23.1. Are all the practices just confusing? Solutions can be found by matching them with the needs and opportunities of your farm.

are probably best implemented at strategic times. For

• growing cover crops

example, when you are ready to buy a new planter, con-

• using better crop rotations

sider a whole new approach to tillage as well. Also, take

• applying organic amendments

advantage of flush times—for example, when you receive

• applying inorganic amendments

high prices for products—to invest in new management

There are many options for making soil management

approaches. However, don’t wait until that time to make

changes in different types of farming systems. We have

decisions. Plan ahead, so you are ready to make the

discussed these in the previous chapters with respect

move at the right time. Remember that soil health man-

to helping remedy specific problems. A good analogy

agement is a long-term commitment. There are no silver

is to think of your soil as a bank account with credits

bullets or snake oils that will work to build soil health;

and debits. The credits are management practices that

it requires an integration of the concepts of physical,

improve soil health, like manure additions, reduced

biological, and chemical processes we have discussed in

tillage, and cover crops. The debits are the ones that

this book.

degrade the soil, like compaction from field traffic and

intensive tillage (table 23.1). One farming system may


result in a different balance sheet than another due to

Most types of agriculture soil health can be improved

specific constraints. For example, a daily harvest sched-

through six main approaches:

ule means that you cannot avoid traffic on wet soils,

• reducing tillage

and small-seeded crops require intensive tillage at least

• avoiding soil compaction

in the planting row in order to prepare a seedbed. Still,


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent