Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 23 Putting it all together

often strongly influenced by deep roots.

time to track production from the various sections of

Any soil health concern should be addressed prior

your fields that seem different. Compare your observa-

to transplanting. Depending on the results of tests and

tions with the results of your soil tests, so you can be

field analyses, it is often worthwhile to perform one-

sure that the various areas within a field are receiving

time investments like drainage installation, in-row deep

optimum management. Each of the farming systems

ripping, and deep lime and compost incorporations, as

discussed above has its limitations and opportunities

these are difficult to perform after the establishment of

for building better soils, although the approaches and

trees, vines, or canes.

details may differ. Whatever crops you grow, when you

Post-establishment, the emphasis should be on man-

creatively combine a reasonable number of practices

aging the surface layer. Avoiding compaction is impor-

that promote high-quality soils, most of your farm’s soil

tant, and maintaining good surface mulches is generally

health problems should be solved along the way, and

also beneficial, depending on the crop type.

the yield of your crops should improve. The soil will

have more available nutrients, more water for plants to


use, and better tilth. There should be fewer problems

The old folk saying “The farmer’s footprint is the best

with diseases, nematodes, and insects, all resulting in

fertilizer” could be modified to “The farmer’s footprint

reduced use of expensive inputs. By concentrating on

is the best path to improved soil health.” If you don’t

the practices that build high-quality soils, you also will

already do so, begin to regularly observe and record

leave a legacy of land stewardship for your children and

the variability in crop yield across your fields. Take the

their children to inherit and follow.


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent


Acid. A solution containing free hydrogen ions (H+) or a

Beds. Small hilled-up, or raised, zones where crops

chemical that will give off hydrogen ions into solution.

(usually vegetables) are planted. They provide better-

Acidic soil. A soil with a pH below 7. The lower the pH,

drained and warmer soil conditions. They are similar

to ridges but generally broader, and they are usually

the more acidic the soil.

shaped after conventional tillage has occurred.

Aggregates. The structures, crumbs, or clumps formed

Buffering. Slowing or inhibiting changes. For example,

when soil minerals and organic matter are bound

buffering can slow pH changes by neutralizing acids

together with the help of organic molecules, plant roots,

or bases. A substance that can buffer a solution is also

fungi, and clays.

called a buffer.

Alkaline soil. A soil with a pH above 7, containing

Bulk density. The mass of dry soil per unit volume; an

more base than acid.

indicator of the density and compactness of the soil.

Allelopathic effect. Suppression of the germination or

Calcareous soil. A soil in which finely divided lime is

growth of one plant by another. The chemicals respon-

naturally distributed; it usually has a pH between 7 and

sible for this effect are produced during the growth of a

slightly more than 8.

plant or during its decomposition.

Cation. A positively charged ion such as calcium (Ca++)

Ammonium. A form of nitrogen (NH +

4 ) that is avail-

or ammonium (NH +

4 ).

able to plants and is produced in the early stage of

organic matter decomposition.

Cation exchange capacity (CEC). The amount of

negative charge that exists on humus and clays, allow-

Anion. A negatively charged element or molecule such

ing them to hold on to positively charged chemicals

as chloride (Cl–) or nitrate (NO –

3 ).


Aquifer. A source of groundwater below the land

Chelate. A molecule that uses more than one bond to


attach strongly to certain elements such as iron (Fe++)

Available nutrient. The form of a nutrient that a plant

and zinc (Zn++). These elements may later be released

is able to use. Nutrients are commonly found in the soil

from the chelate and used by plants.

in forms that the plant can’t use (such as organic forms

C:N ratio. The amount of carbon divided by the

of nitrogen) and must be converted into forms that the

amount of nitrogen in a residue or soil. A high ratio

plant is able to take into its roots and use (such as the

results in low rates of decomposition and can also result

nitrate form of nitrogen).

in a temporary decrease in nitrogen nutrition for plants,

Ball test. A simple field test to determine soil readiness

as microorganisms use much of the available nitrogen.

for tillage. A handful of soil is squeezed into a ball. If the

Coarse-textured soil. Soil dominated by large

soil holds together, it is in the plastic state and too wet

mineral particles (the size of grains of sand); may also

for tillage or field traffic. If it crumbles, it is in the friable

include gravels. Used to be called “light soil.”


Colloid. A very small particle with a high surface area

Base. Something that will neutralize an acid, such as

that can stay in a water suspension for a very long time.

hydroxide or limestone.

The colloids in soils—the clay and humus molecules—are


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent


usually found in larger aggregates and not as individual

mix fertilizers and manures with the soil, and smooth

particles. These colloids are responsible for many of

the soil surface.

the chemical and physical properties of soils, including

Drainage. The loss of soil water by percolation down

cation exchange capacity, chelation of micronutrients,

through the soil as a result of the gravitational force.

and development of aggregates.

Also: Removal of excess soil water through the use of

Compost. Organic material that has been well decom-

channels, ditches, soil shaping, or subsurface drain

posed by organisms under conditions of good aeration


and high temperature, often used as a soil amendment.

Elements. Components of all matter. Seventeen ele-

Controlled traffic. The restriction of field equipment

ments are essential for plant growth; elements such as

to limited travel or access lanes in order to reduce com-

carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen combine to form larger

paction on the rest of the field.


Conventional tillage. Preparation of soil for planting

Erosion. The wearing away of soil by runoff water

by using a moldboard plow followed by disking or har-

(water erosion), wind shear (wind erosion), or tillage

rowing. It usually breaks down aggregates, buries most

( tillage erosion).

crop residues and manures, and leaves the soil smooth.

Evaporation. The loss of water from the soil surface as

Coulter. A fluted or rippled disk mounted on the front


of a planter to cut surface crop residues and perform

Evapotranspiration. The combined processes of

minimal soil loosening prior to seed placement. Multiple

evaporation and transpiration.

coulters are used on zone-till planters to provide a wider

band of loosened soil.

Fertigation. The application of soluble fertilizers

through an irrigation system, which allows for nutrient

Cover crop. A crop grown to protect the soil from ero-

spoonfeeding of plants.

sion during the time of the year when it would otherwise

be bare. Sometimes called a green manure crop.

Field capacity. The water content of a soil following

drainage by gravity.

Crumb. A soft, porous, more or less round soil aggre-

gate. Generally indicative of good soil tilth.

Fine-textured soil. Soil dominated by small mineral

particles (silt and clay). Sometimes called “heavy soil.”

Crust. A thin, dense layer at the soil surface that

becomes hard upon drying.

Friable soil. Soil that crumbles when force is applied.

A soil generally goes from the plastic to the friable state

Deep tillage. Tillage that loosens the soil at a greater

when it dries.

depth (usually more than 8 inches) than regular tillage.

Frost tillage. Tillage performed when a shallow (2–4-

Denitrification. The process by which soil organisms

inch) frozen layer exists at the soil surface.

convert dissolved nitrate to gaseous nitrogen under

anaerobic (low-oxygen) conditions. This occurs when

Full-field (full-width) tillage. Tillage that results in

soils become saturated and results in losses of nitrous

loosening soil over the entire width of the tillage pass—

oxide (a potent greenhouse gas) and dinitrogen (N2, an

for example, moldboard plowing, chisel tillage, and

inert gas).


Disk. An implement for harrowing, or breaking up, the

Green manure. A crop grown for the main purpose of

soil. It is commonly used following a moldboard plow

building up or maintaining soil organic matter; some-

but is also used by itself to break down aggregates, help

times called a cover crop.


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent


Groundwater. Water contained below the ground

Lignin. A substance found in woody tissue and in the

surface, typically in the pore spaces of underground

stems of plants that is difficult for soil organisms to

geologic deposits.


Heavy soil. Nowadays usually called “fine-textured

Lime or limestone. A mineral consisting of calcium

soil,” it contains a lot of clay and is usually more difficult

carbonate (CaCO3) that can neutralize acids and is com-

to work than coarse-textured soil. It normally drains

monly applied to acid soils.

slowly following rain.

Loess soil. Soil formed from windblown deposits of

Humus. The well-decomposed part of the soil organic

silty and fine-sand-size minerals; they are easily eroded

matter. It has a high cation exchange capacity.

by wind and water.

Infiltration. The process of water entering the soil at

Micronutrient. An element, such as zinc, iron, copper,

the surface.

boron, or manganese, that is needed by plants in only

Inorganic chemicals. Chemicals that are not made

small amounts.

from chains or rings of carbon atoms—for example, soil

Microorganisms. Very small and simple organisms

clay minerals, nitrate, and calcium.

such as bacteria and fungi.

Irrigation. The application of water to soil to provide

Mineralization. The process by which soil organisms

better moisture conditions for crop growth. Flood and

change organic elements into the “mineral” or inorganic

furrow irrigation practices pond the soil with water for

form as they decompose organic matter; for example,

a limited time and allow it to infiltrate. Micro-irrigation,

organic forms of nitrogen are converted to nitrate.

including drip, trickle, and microsprinkler irrigation,

Moldboard plow. A commonly used plow that com-

refers to a set of practices that apply localized irrigation

pletely turns over the soil and incorporates any surface

water at low rates through small tubes and emitters and

residues, manures, or fertilizers deeper into the soil.

are generally water conserving. Supplemental irriga-

tion refers to a practice used in humid regions where

Mole drainage. A practice used on heavy clay soils

rainfall provides most crop water needs and irrigation is

whereby water is removed through subsurface chan-

primarily used to maintain adequate soil moisture levels

nels 2–3 feet deep. This practice does not involve pipes;

during limited drought periods. Deficit irrigation refers

the channels are generated with the use of a bullet-type

to a water-conserving practice whereby water supply is

plow. Channels generally need to be rebuilt every four to

reduced below maximum levels and mild crop stress is

six years.

allowed, with minimal effects on yield.

Monoculture. Production of the same crop in the

Landslide. The instantaneous downward fall of large

same field year after year.

soil volumes as a result of gravity. Landslides may occur

Mulch. Organic materials like straw and wood chips

on steep slopes when they become supersaturated with

that are applied to soil as a surface cover; generally also


includes cover crop material left on the surface and

Least-limiting water range. See Optimum water

heavy amounts of crop residues left at the soil surface


after harvest.

Legume. Plants—including beans, peas, clovers, and

Mycorrhizal relationship. The mutually beneficial

alfalfa—that form a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-

relationship that develops between plant roots of most

fixing bacteria living in their roots. These bacteria help to

crops and fungi. The fungi help plants obtain water

supply the plants with an available source of nitrogen.

and phosphorus by acting like an extension of the root


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent


system and in return receive energy-containing chemical

which 7 is neutral, less than 7 is acidic, and greater than

nutrients from the plant.

7 is basic.

Nitrate (NO –

3 ). The form of nitrogen that is most

Photosynthesis. The process by which green plants

readily available to plants and is normally found in the

capture the energy of sunlight and use carbon dioxide

greatest abundance in agricultural soils.

from the atmosphere to make molecules needed for

Nitrification. The process by which soil microorgan-

growth and development.

isms convert ammonium into nitrate.

Plastic. The state of a soil that molds easily when force

Nitrogen fixation. The conversion of atmospheric

is applied. Compare to Friable.

nitrogen by bacteria to a form that plants can use. A

Plastic limit. The water content of soil at the transi-

small number of bacteria, including the rhizobia living

tion from the plastic to the friable state; the upper limit

in the roots of legumes, are able to make this conversion.

of soil moisture at which tillage and field traffic do not

Nitrogen immobilization. The transformation of

result in excessive compaction damage.

available forms of nitrogen, such as nitrate and ammo-

Polyculture. The growth of more than one crop in a

nium, into organic forms that are not readily available

field at the same time.

to plants.

PSNT. The pre-sidedress nitrate test is a soil test for

No-till. A system of planting crops without tilling the

nitrogen availability in which the soil is sampled to a

soil with a plow, disk, chisel, or other tillage implement.

depth of 1 foot during the early crop growth.

Optimum water range. The range of soil water

Raised beds. Crops grown in rows that are raised

content in which plants do not experience stress from

from the inter-row areas to provide better drainage and

drought, high soil strength, or lack of aeration.

aeration and deeper topsoil. Raised beds are wider than

Organic chemicals. Chemicals that contain chains or

ridges but aim to achieve the same benefits.

rings of carbon connected to one another. Most of the

Recycled wastewater. Water derived from the

chemicals in plants, animals, microorganisms, and soil

treatment of municipal wastewater and used for crop

organic matter are organic.


Oxidation. The combining of a chemical such as

Respiration. The biological process that allows living

carbon with oxygen, usually resulting in the release of

things to use the energy stored in organic chemicals.


In this process, carbon dioxide is released as energy is

Penetrometer. A device that measures soil resis-

made available to do all sorts of work.

tance to penetration, which indicates the degree of

Restricted tillage. Tillage that includes only limited

compaction; it has a cone-tipped metal shaft that is

and localized soil disturbance in bands where plant rows

slowly pushed into the soil while the resistance force is

are to be established—for example, no-till, zone-till,


strip-till, and ridge-till systems. Compare with Full-

Perennial forage crops. Crops such as grasses,

field tillage.

legumes, and grass-legume mixtures that form a com-

Rhizobia bacteria. Bacteria that live in the roots of

plete soil cover (sod) and are grown for pasture or to

legumes and have a mutually beneficial relationship

make hay and haylage for animal feed.

with the plant. These bacteria fix nitrogen, providing it

pH. A way of expressing the acid status, or hydrogen ion

to the plant in an available form, and in return receive

(H+) concentration, of a soil or a solution on a scale on

energy-rich molecules that the plant produces.


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent


Ridge tillage. Planting crops on top of small ridges

Texture. A soil’s sand, silt, and clay content. “Coarse-

(usually 2–4 inches in height), which are generally

textured” means that a soil has a high sand content, while

re-formed annually with a special cultivator.

“fine-textured” means that a soil has a high clay content.

Rotation effect. The crop-yield benefit from rotations,

Thermophilic bacteria. Bacteria that live and work

which includes better nutrient availability, fewer pest

best under high temperatures, around 110°–140°F. They

problems, and better soil structure.

are responsible for the most intense stage of decomposi-

Runoff. Water lost by flow over the soil surface.

tion that occurs during composting.

Saline soil. Soil that contains excess free salts, usually

Tile drainage. Removal of excess soil water through

sodium and calcium chlorides.

pipes buried in the soil, typically 3–4 feet deep.

Traditionally, the pipes were made of clay tile, but they

Saturated soil. Soil whose pores are filled with water,

are now corrugated flexible PVC pipes with perforations.

resulting in a virtual absence of soil air.

Tillage. The mechanical manipulation of soil, generally

Silage. A feed produced when chopped-up corn plants

for the purpose of loosening the soil, creating a seed-

or wilted hay is put into airtight storage facilities (silos)

bed, controlling weeds, or incorporating amendments.

and partially fermented by bacteria. The acidity pro-

Primary tillage (moldboard plowing, chiseling) is a

duced by the fermentation and the lack of oxygen help

more rigorous practice, primarily for loosening soil and

preserve the quality of the feed during storage.

incorporating amendments. Secondary tillage (disking,

Slurry (manure). Manure that is between solid and

harrowing) is a less rigorous practice, following primary

liquid; it flows slowly and has the consistency of a very

tillage, that creates a seedbed containing fine aggregates.

thick soup.

Tillage erosion. The downslope movement of soil

Sod crops. Grasses or legumes such as timothy and

caused by the action of tillage implements.

white clover that tend to grow very close together and

Tilth. The physical condition, or structure, of the soil as

form a dense cover over the entire soil surface.

it influences plant growth. A soil with good tilth is very

Sodic soil. Soil containing excess amounts of sodium.

porous and allows rainfall to infiltrate easily, permits

If it is not also saline, clay particles disperse, and the soil

roots to grow without obstruction, and is easy to work.

structure may be poor.

Transpiration. The loss of water from the soil through

Soil structure. The physical condition of the soil,

plant uptake and evaporation from leaf surfaces.

which depen