Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

Managing For high-Quality soils:

organiC Matter, soil PhysiCal Condition, nutrient availability

Because organic matter is lost from the soil through decay, washing, and leaching, and because large amounts are required every year for crop production, the necessity of maintaining the active organic-matter content of the soil, to say nothing of the desirability of increasing it on many depleted soils, is a difficult problem.

—a.F. gustafson, 1941

Increasing the quality of a soil—enhancing it as a

practices, in addition to those that directly impact soil

habitat for plant roots and beneficial organisms—takes

organic matter. Paying better attention to soil tilth and

a lot of thought and action over many years. Of course,

compaction is more important than ever, because of the

there are things that can be done right off—plant a cover

use of very heavy field machinery. Last, although good

crop this fall or just make a New Year’s resolution not to

organic matter management goes a long way toward

work soils that really aren’t ready in the spring (and then

providing good plant nutrition in an environmentally

stick with it). Other changes take more time. You need

sound way, good nutrient management involves addi-

to study carefully before drastically changing crop rota-

tional practices. In this chapter we’ll focus on issues of

tions, for example. How will the new crops be marketed,

organic matter management.

and are the necessary labor and machinery available?

All actions taken to improve soil health should


contribute to one or more of the following: (a) growing

As we discussed in chapter 3, there are no generally

healthy plants, (b) stressing pests, and (c) increasing

accepted guidelines as to how much organic matter

beneficial organisms. First, various practices to build

should be in a particular soil. And it is difficult to be

up and maintain high levels of soil organic matter are

sure exactly why problems develop when organic matter

key. Second, developing and maintaining the best pos-

is depleted in an individual field. However, even in the

sible soil physical condition often require other types of

early 20th century, agricultural scientists proclaimed,

Photo by Jerry DeWitt


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent