Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 12 aniMal Manures

will also offer information about the handling, charac-

composting, see chapter 13.

teristics, and uses of some other animal manures.

Some dairy farmers have built what are called

“compost barns.” No, the barns don’t compost, but


they are set up similar to a free-stall barn, where bed-

Solid versus Liquid

ding and manure just build up over the winter and the

The type of barn on the farmstead frequently determines

pack is cleaned out in the fall or spring. However, with

how manure is handled on a dairy farm. Dairy-cow

composting barns, the manure is stirred or turned twice

manure containing a fair amount of bedding, usually

daily with a modified cultivator on a skid steer loader

around 20% dry matter or higher, is spread as a solid.

or small tractor to a depth of 8 to 10 inches; sometimes

This is most common on farms where cows are kept

ceiling fans are used to help aerate and dry the pack dur-

in individual stanchions or tie-stalls. Liquid manure-

ing each milking. Some farmers add a little new bedding

handling systems are common where animals are kept

each day, some do it weekly, and others do it every two

in a “free stall” barn and minimal bedding is added to

to five weeks. In the spring and fall some or all of the

the manure. Liquid manure is usually in the range of

bedding can be removed and spread directly or built into

from 2% to 12% dry matter (88% or more water), with

a traditional compost pile for finishing. Although farm-

the lower dry matter if water is flushed from alleys

ers using this system tend to be satisfied with it, there is

and passed through a liquid-solid separator or large

a concern about the continued availability of wood shav-

amounts of runoff enter the storage lagoon. Manures

ings and sawdust for bedding. More recently, vermicom-

with characteristics between solid and liquid, with dry

posting has been introduced as a way to process dairy

matter between 12% and 20%, are usually referred to as

manure. In this case, worms digest the manure, and the


castings provide a high-quality soil amendment.

Composting manures is becoming an increasingly

Manure from hogs can also be handled in different

popular option for farmers. By composting manure,

ways. Farmers raising hogs on a relatively small scale

you help stabilize nutrients (although considerable

sometimes use hoop houses, frequently placed in fields,

ammonium is usually lost in the process), have a smaller

with bedding on the floor. The manure mixed with bed-

amount of material to spread, and have a more pleas-

ding can be spread as a solid manure or composted first.

ant material to spread—a big plus if neighbors have

The larger, more industrial-scale farmers mainly use

complained about manure odors. Although it’s easier

little to no bedding with slatted floors over the manure

to compost manure that has been handled as a solid,

pit and keep the animals clean by frequently washing the

it does take a lot of bedding to get fresh manure to a

floors. The liquid manure is held in ponds for spreading,

20% solid level. Some farmers are separating the solids

mostly in the spring before crops are planted and in the

from liquid manure and then irrigating with the liquid

fall after crops have been harvested. Poultry manure is

and composting the solids. Some are separating solids

handled with bedding (especially for broiler production)

following digestion for methane production and burning

or little to no bedding (industrial-scale egg production).

the gas to produce electricity or heat. Separating the

liquid allows for direct composting of the solids without

Storage of Manure

any added materials. It also allows for easier transport

Researchers have been investigating how best to handle,

of the solid portion of the manure for sale or to apply

store, and treat manure to reduce the problems that

to remote fields. For a more detailed discussion of

come with year-round manure spreading. Storage


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent