Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

aniMal Manures

For inCreasing organiC Matter and suPPlying nutrients

The quickest way to rebuild a poor soil is to practice dairy farming, growing forage crops, buying . . .

grain rich in protein, handling the manure properly, and returning it to the soil promptly.

—J. l. hills, C. h. Jones, and C. Cutler, 1908

Once cheap fertilizers became widely available after

year; manure from a 100-sow farrow-to-finish operation

World War II, many farmers, extension agents, and

is worth about $16,000; and manure from a 20,000-

scientists looked down their noses at manure. People

bird broiler operation is worth about $6,000. The

thought more about how to get rid of manure than how

other benefits to soil organic matter buildup, such as

to put it to good use. In fact, some scientists tried to find

enhanced soil structure and better diversity and activity

out the absolute maximum amount of manure that could

of soil organisms, may double the value of the manure.

be applied to an acre without reducing crop yields. Some

If you’re not getting the full fertility benefit from

farmers who didn’t want to spread manure actually piled

manures on your farm, you may be wasting money.

it next to a stream and hoped that next spring’s flood

Animal manures can have very different proper-

waters would wash it away. We now know that manure,

ties, depending on the animal species, feed, bedding,

like money, is better spread around than concentrated

handling, and manure-storage practices. The amounts of

in a few places. The economic contribution of farm

nutrients in the manure that become available to crops

manures can be considerable. On a national basis, the

also depend on what time of year the manure is applied

manure from 100 million cattle, 60 million hogs, and 9

and how quickly it is worked into the soil. In addition,

billion chickens contains about 23 million tons of nitro-

the influence of manure on soil organic matter and plant

gen. At a value of 50 cents per pound, that works out to

growth is influenced by soil type. In other words, it’s

a value of about $25 billion for just the N contained in

impossible to give blanket manure application recom-

animal manures. The value of the nutrients in manure

mendations. They need to be tailored for every situation.

from a 100-cow dairy farm may exceed $20,000 per

We’ll start the discussion with dairy cow manure but

Photo by Edwin Remsburg


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent