Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 12 aniMal Manures

fertility. The availability of phosphorus and potassium in

considerable nitrogen loss, even if manure is incorpo-

manures should be similar to that in commercial fertil-

rated. Losses of nitrogen from fall-applied manure in

izers. (However, some recommendation systems assume

humid climates may be as much as 25% to 50%—result-

that only around 50% of the phosphorus and 90% of the

ing from conversion of ammonium to nitrate and then

potassium is available.) The phosphorus and potassium

leaching and denitrification before nitrogen is available

contributions contained in 20 tons of dairy manure are

to next year’s crop. It was determined in modeling

approximately equivalent to about 30 to 50 pounds of

studies that fall applications of liquid manure posed the

phosphate and 180 to 200 pounds of potash from fertil-

greatest risk for nitrate leaching in a dairy system in

izers. The sulfur content as well as trace elements in

New York.

manure, such as the zinc previously mentioned, also add

Without any added nitrogen, perennial grass hay

to the fertility value of this resource.

crops are constantly nitrogen deficient. Application of a

Because one-half of the nitrogen and almost all of

moderate rate of manure—about 50–75 pounds worth

the phosphorus is in the solids, a higher proportion of

of available nitrogen—in early spring and following each

these nutrients remain in sediments at the bottom when

harvest is the best way to apply manure. Spring applica-

a liquid system is emptied without properly agitating the

tions may be at higher rates, but wet soils in early spring

manure. Uniform agitation is recommended if the goal

may not allow manure application without causing

is to apply similar levels of solids and nutrients across

significant compaction.

target fields. A manure system that allows significant

Although the best use of manure is to apply it near

amounts of surface water penetration and then drain-

the time when the crop needs the nutrients, sometimes

age, such as a manure stack of well-bedded dairy or

time and labor management or insufficient storage

beef cow manure, may lose a lot of potassium because

it is so soluble. The 20% leaching loss of potassium

from stacked dairy manure mentioned above occurred

because potassium was mostly found in the liquid por-

tion of the manure.

Timing of Applications

Manures are best applied to annual crops, such as corn,

small grains, and vegetables, in one dose just before soil

tillage (unless a high amount of bedding is used, which

might tie up nitrogen for a while—see the discussion of

C:N ratios in chapter 9). This allows for rapid incorpora-

tion by plow, chisel, harrow, disk, or aerator. Even with

reduced tillage systems, application close to planting

time is best, because the possibility of loss by runoff

and erosion is reduced. It also is possible to inject liquid

manures either just before the growing season starts or

Figure 12.2. Injection of liquid manure into shal ow frozen soils, which as a side-dressing to row crops. Fall manure applica-eliminates compaction concerns and reduces spring application volumes.

tions on annual row crops, such as corn, may result in

Photo by Eleanor Jacobs.


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent