Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 12 aniMal Manures

e. coLI 0157:h7

The bacteria strain known as E. coli 0157: H7 has caused numerous outbreaks of severe illness in people who ate contaminated meat and a few known outbreaks from eating vegetables—once when water used to wash lettuce was contaminated with animal manure and once from spinach grown near a cattle farm. This particular bacteria is a resident of cows’ digestive systems. It does no harm to the cow, but—probably because of the customary practice of feeding low levels of antibiotics when raising cattle—it is resistant to a number of commonly used antibiotics for humans. This problem only reinforces the commonsense approach to manure use. When using manure that has not been thoroughly composted to grow crops for direct human consumption—especial y leafy crops like lettuce that grow low to the ground and root crops such as carrots and potatoes—

special care should be taken. Before planting your crop, avoid problems by planning a three-month period between incorporation and harvest. For short-season crops, this means that the manure should be incorporated long before planting. Although there has never been a confirmed instance of contamination of vegetables by E. coli 0157: H7 or other disease organisms from manure incorporated into the soil as a fertility amendment, being cautious and erring on the side of safety is well justified.

capacity causes farmers to apply it at other times. In the

Plant growth is sometimes retarded when high rates

fall, manure can be applied to grasslands that don’t flood

of fresh manure are applied to soil immediately before

or to tilled fields that will either be fall-plowed or planted

planting. This problem usually doesn’t occur if the fresh

to a winter cover crop. Although legal in most states, it is

manure decomposes for a few weeks in the soil and can

not a good practice to apply manures when the ground

be avoided by using a solid manure that has been stored

is frozen or covered with snow. The nutrient losses that

for a year or more. Injection of liquid manure sometimes

can occur with runoff from winter-applied manure are

causes problems when used on poorly drained soils in

both an economic loss to the farm and an environmental

wet years. The extra water applied and the extra use of

concern. Ideally, winter surface applications of manure

oxygen by microorganisms may mean less aeration for

would be done only on an emergency basis. However,

plant roots, and loss of readily plant-available nitrate by

research on frost tillage has shown that there are win-

denitrification may also be occurring.

dows of opportunity for incorporating and injecting

When manures are applied regularly to a field to

winter-applied manure during periods when the soil has a

provide enough nitrogen for a crop like corn, phospho-

shallow frozen layer, 2 to 4 inches thick (see chapter 16).

rus and potassium may build up to levels way in excess

Farmers in cold climates may use those time periods to

of crop needs (see table 12.2). When ammonium is

inject manure during the winter (figure 12.2), although

properly conserved, the manure rate necessary to meet

the windows of opportunity may be limited.

crop nitrogen requirement is substantially reduced.

Correspondingly, phosphorus and potassium applica-


tions are moderated, reducing or eliminating the accu-

As we all know, too much of a good thing is not neces-

mulation of these nutrients in soil.

sarily good. Excessive manure applications may cause

When manure is applied based upon needed or

plant-growth problems. It is especially important not to

allowed P additions, as required by some nutrient man-

apply excess poultry manure, because the high soluble-

agement plans, N-conserving management means that

salt content can harm plants.

less fertilizer N will be needed. Erosion of phosphorus-


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent