Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 12 aniMal Manures

Harrison, E., J. Bonhotal, and M. Schwarz. 2008. Using Manure

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Solids as Bedding. Report prepared by the Cornell Waste Man-

Management Handbook: A Producer’s Guide. College Park,

agement Institute (Ithaca, NY) for the New York State Energy

MD: Author.

Research and Development Authority.

Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 1994. Livestock and

Madison, F., K. Kelling, J. Peterson, T. Daniel, G. Jackson, and L.

Poultry Waste Management. Best Management Practices

Massie. 1986. Guidelines for Applying Manure to Pasture and

Series. Available from the Ontario Federation of Agriculture,

Cropland in Wisconsin. Agricultural Bulletin A3392. Madison,

Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 1997. Nutrient Manage-

Magdoff, F.R., and J.F. Amadon. 1980. Yield trends and soil

ment. Best Management Practices Series. Available from the

chemical changes resulting from N and manure application to

Ontario Federation of Agriculture, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

continuous corn. Agronomy Journal 72: 161–164. See this refer-

Pimentel, D., S. Williamson, C.E. Alexander, O. Gonzalez-Pagan, C.

ence for dairy manure needed to maintain or increase organic

Kontak, and S.E. Mulkey. 2008. Reducing energy inputs in the

matter and soil chemical changes under continuous cropping for

US food system. Human Ecology 36: 459–471.

silage corn.

Soil Conservation Society of America. 1976. Land Application of

Magdoff, F.R., J.F. Amadon, S.P. Goldberg, and G.D. Wells. 1977.

Waste Materials. Ankeny, IA: Author.

Runoff from a low-cost manure storage facility. Transactions of

van Es, H.M., A.T. DeGaetano, and D.S. Wilks. 1998. Space-time

the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 20: 658–660,

upscaling of plot-based research information: Frost tillage.

665. This is the reference for the nutrient loss that can occur

Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 50: 85–90.

from uncovered manure stacks.

Magdoff, F.R., and R.J. Villamil, Jr. 1977. The Potential of Cham-

plain Valley Clay Soils for Waste Disposal. Proceedings of the

Lake Champlain Environmental Conference, Chazy, NY, July

15, 1976.


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent

a case study

darrell Parks

Manhattan, kansas

Even if Darrell Parks didn’t like working with hogs, he

Parks sometimes lets older sows out to pasture on

would still raise them on his 600-acre farm in the Flint

some of his fields, where they spread their own manure.

Hills of Kansas, if only for the manure that makes up a key

He cautions, however, against pasturing young pigs on

part of his soil fertility program. Each year, Parks’s farm

alfalfa. “You’d think they’d balance their ration better,” he

produces forty-five sows plus corn, milo, wheat, soybeans,

says, “but they don’t—they overeat.”

and alfalfa.

For most of their lives, Parks’s hogs are raised on half

Parks spot-treats his land with hog manure to help

of a 10-acre field. He plants the remaining 5 acres to corn.

areas needing extra fertility. He likes how targeting prob-

Once the corn is harvested, he moves the hogs and their

lem areas with thicker applications of manure corrects soil

pens over to the “clean ground” of corn stubble. “Going

micronutrient deficiencies. “I’ve been working to better

back and forth like this seems to work well in keeping the

utilize farm-produced manure and cover crops as well as a

worms down,” he says. And he says that the 50–60 pounds

crop rotation and management system that will allow me

of N per acre put down with the hogs’ manure helps grow

to eliminate purchased fertilizer, herbicides, and insec-

“some pretty good corn” in that field each year.

ticides,” says Parks, who received a grant from USDA’s

Parks notes that his tillage regime, on which he is

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE)

dependent for weed control in his organic system, makes

program to hone his use of manure on cropland. He was

maintaining and improving his soil organic matter content

successful in that endeavor, and his cropland has been

especially challenging. That’s why he remains committed

certified organic since 1996.

to integrating the use of both animal and “green” manures

Parks’s crops are raised mainly in two rotations. In one

on his farm.

rotation, alfalfa is grown for three years, followed by a year

In response to organic grain and fuel price spikes, he

each of corn and soybeans before returning to alfalfa. In

decided recently to reduce the number of hogs he raises from

the other, he plants Austrian winter peas in the late fall fol-

sixty to forty-five. Striving for economic sustainability, he is

lowing wheat harvest. The peas, incorporated in the spring,

constantly weighing the pros and cons of becoming more self-

are followed with a cash crop of milo or soybeans prior to a

sufficient by raising his own feed for the hogs versus taking

fall- or spring-planted wheat crop.

advantage of the price premiums for organic grains.

To ensure a sufficient nutrient supply for his wheat

“It’s a hard decision,” he says. “Right now, if I cut down

crops, Parks typically treats his wheat fields with liquid

on hogs, maybe it would be better economically. But if I get

manure at a rate of approximately 660 gallons per acre. He

out [of raising hogs entirely], it’s not easy to get back in.”

collects this manure in a concrete pit adjacent to a building

For now, he is betting that over the longer term, he’s

where sows are housed for brief periods during breeding or

better off keeping his hogs. “A lot of people don’t like the

when being sold. The liquid manure, for which he does not

idea of how pigs are raised” within a conventional opera-

typically obtain a nutrient analysis, “catches a lot of rainfall

tion, he says. “We’re meeting [the demand of] a niche

and is fairly dilute—[essentially] high-powered water,” he

market in its infancy that is sure to grow.”

says. “I avoid wet conditions when spreading and try to hit

—uPdated by aMy kreMen

the wheat in March or April during a dry period on a still

day, before [the wheat] is too big.”


building soils For better CroPs: sustainable soil ManageMent
