Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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Chapter 13

Making and using CoMPosts

The reason of our thus treating composts of various soils and substances,

is not only to dulcify, sweeten, and free them from the noxious qualities they otherwise retain. . . .

[Before composting, they are] apter to ingender vermin, weeds, and fungous . . . than to produce wholsome [sic] plants, fruits and roots, fit for the table.

—J. evelyn, 17th Century

Decomposition of organic materials takes place

it may cause extreme drying and triggers a die-off of all

naturally in forests and fields all around us. Composting

but the most heat-resistant organisms. At temperatures

is the art and science of combining available organic

below 110°F, the more prolific mesophilic organisms take

wastes so that they decompose to form a uniform and

over and the rate of composting again slows down, espe-

stable finished product. Composts are excellent organic

cially as it drops toward ambient temperatures, a process

amendments for soils. Composting reduces bulk, sta-

known as “curing.” The composting process is slowed by

bilizes soluble nutrients, and hastens the formation of

anything that inhibits good aeration or the maintenance

humus. Most organic materials, such as manures, crop

of high enough temperatures and sufficient moisture.

residues, grass clippings, leaves, sawdust, and many

Composting farm wastes and organic residues

kitchen wastes, can be composted.

from off the farm has become a widespread practice.

The microorganisms that do much of the work of

rapid composting perform well at elevated temperatures

tYPes of coMPostInG

with plenty of oxygen and moisture. These compost-

Some people talk about “low-temperature” com-

adapted organisms cover the entire range of warm,

posting—including “sheet,” worm (vermicomposting),

or mesophilic (up to 110°F), and hot, or thermophilic

and small-pile composting—and “high-temperature”

(from 110ůp to 130°F and even higher), conditions.

composting. We like to use the term “composting”

Temperatures above 160°F can develop in compost piles,

only when talking about the rapid decomposition that

helping kill off weed seeds and disease organisms, but

takes place at high temperatures.

this overheating usually slows down the process, since


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent