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Chapter 8:
Creating What You Want


At this point in this book, you must now know that if you want a more rewarding life, you have to change your mindset, and the entirety of how you think. Here are some more tips on how you can create what you want, and get what you want:


Tip #1: Keep Your Focus Where It Matters

Do not think about what you DO NOT have, because if you do, you will never have enough. This is a very fundamental tip that once kept in mind, will significantly influence your life in a positive way. Changing your focus and what you focus on will radically change your life.

If you focus on what you do not have, your mind and your soul will keep on thinking that you are lacking something. On the other hand, when you make a regular habit out of being grateful about what you DO have, you will be able to train the positive energies around you to give yourself what you want.

With this kind of mindset, you will be able to easily find solutions to common and not so common problems in your life. You will be more open to positive responses and opportunities around you, making winning easier.

Tip # 2: Define Failure Differently

One of the things that limit people from achieving great things is their fear of failure. We all feel this at a certain point of our lives. We are afraid to fail and we are afraid to suffer the consequences of failure.

However, once you define failure in a more positive way, things will change drastically for you, including your outlook on failing.

Do not believe in failure. Instead, define failure as an opportunity to learn, to become better at that thing that you just did. Without failure, we would never be who we are, and what we are. So instead of looking at failure as a thing larger than you and that scares you, look at it as a ladder up towards your goals. Teach your mind to redefine failure, from being a dragging, negative thing, to an uplifting and positive opportunity to become a more complete person.

Tip #3: You Are the Master of Yourself

Just who is your boss? No one else should be your boss, but YOU. It is all up to you what you want to happen to your life. There is no one else responsible of you but YOU. By acknowledging and accepting the fact that there is no one else who can help you build your successful future, you will become more mature and inspired to do better things for yourself.

Harnessing the power of the universe and making it create what you want for yourself will become easy from here onwards. As you practice these tips every day, you will become more attuned to the positive things that affect successful people around you. You will then be able to tap into this power, and make it happen for you.