Chapter 4:
Attracting Compatible Patterns
Everything in the universe is just energy, and if you look deep down enough, you will see that everything is just vibrations and these vibrational patterns are what make gas into gases and liquids and solids into what they are. This includes intangibles such as spirit and soul. It may be helpful to view the states of matter beginning from ether, to spirit/soul, to gasses, liquids and finally solid.
That is not to say you can physically move heavy objects just with your mind although some claim to be able to do it through telekinesis. That is beyond the scope of this book.
The objective of manifestation via attracting compatible energy patterns is creating a pathway of least resistance whereby a manifestation is possible and is a better pathway than the opposite of what we want.
An Explanation of Luck and Bad Luck
“Luck is where preparedness meets opportunities”- Seneca
If you create within you and without the conditions where an event is easier to spawn, a thing we would consider as “luck”, the said luck would have to be easier to manifest over an environment filled with negativity and forces that say otherwise, conditions comprising “bad luck”.
Because of the recent popularity of “The Secret,” many have misunderstood the idea to just being wishful thinking and not taking action. Action is also energy. It is a component of force, a physical force that makes use of the intangible energy and vibrational setups created to make things happen in the real world.
Practicalities of Using Energy in the Real World
There is only the attracting of ideal situations, people and events. The potency of the said effects generated through this channel exists in the more subtle, intangible realms as opposed to the physical actions which are stronger. It is not realistic to physically move an object weighing a ton through these means. You need mechanical energy, tools and devices such as a crane in order to do this.
And how do you manifest a crane?
You can just call up the company that leases out big industrial machineries. You can network and make friends within the heavy machinery industry. You can visualize intently, act as if you already have the crane. It is not just using one over another but layering in as many working methods as you can to reach that objective.
On your own, I doubt whether you can manifest a crane just with your mind, let alone an object weighing a ton to levitate to another location. It is just not realistic and based off fantasy!
Creating Of Compatible Patterns for Wealth and Abundance
The previous example speaks about a very specific objective that can be solved through mechanical means i.e. a crane. However, to design a general life condition with many possible variables, avenues of approach and outcomes, we cannot simply reduce a problem to just one thing like the crane. And this is where tapping into the law of attraction, like attracts like can be useful.
By creating the right vibrations and energies within ourselves, and our businesses, we are able to attract coincidences, people and resources that normally wouldn’t drop into our laps seemingly out of good luck. Because we have created the right energy signatures to make these variables not only be attracted but reside congruently in our space.
In summary, it is about creating the right energies to magnetize assets and creating a sustainable framework whereby assets and resources can be kept organically in our space or sphere of influence where these things are useful. Although existing in the realm of intangibles, and cannot be measured with our earthy scientific devices, there is nothing to lose by tapping into this reservoir of power available to all of us!