Profit Masterkey System by Profitmasterkey - HTML preview

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An Introduction to Split Testing

The basic idea behind split testing is that you are running ‘experiments’.

Specifically, you are comparing two versions of the same ad, the same post or the same comment and then you’re seeing which one performs best.

Normally the two versions wil be the same, save for one or two details and this way you wil know whether or not to keep that change. Over time, split testing allows you to ‘evolve’ your campaign to the point where it’s almost flawless.

Facebook ads are relatively easy to split test using the tools presented by Facebook itself. As for your landing pages (where you’re selling your ebooks etc.) the best tool is to try using ‘Optimizely’ ( Of course you can also just make changes yourself as long as you’re carefully 31

recording the data. Recording data is the secret to success in practically every aspects of digital marketing by the way…