Profit Masterkey System by Profitmasterkey - HTML preview

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The Picture

Other than the title, the next tool you have to use to get people to click on your content is the image. Next to the title, this is what people wil see first and it’s what wil make your content stand out. Very quickly, a great image can sell the concept of your article and it can also be entertaining, funny, emotional or fascinating in its own right.


So think: what is the hook of your article and how can you get this across with a great image? What image wil grab the attention of people who are scrolling through their newsfeed? And what image wil be interesting enough that it warrants a like or a share on its own merit?

One good example is to use memes. Memes are images that come from popular culture – often stil s from movies but sometimes just funny photos doing the rounds on the web. To these images, you then add two short lines of text to encapsulate your point in a funny way. Often the meme wil follow a set formula and you wil find that certain images and structures appear over and over again. ‘The most interesting man in the world’

meme for instance normally starts with ‘I don’t always…’ and then follows it up with ‘But when I do…’.

Memes are instantly recognizable, they’re funny, they’re witty and they’re trendy. If you can use one to make a point that people wil agree with, then you can expect this to lead to a large number of shares.

Otherwise, funny images, shocking images or anything else that grabs attention and tells a story can help you to get shares.