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And better yet – why not add a video to your feed? Videos play automatically on Facebook often and are highly engaging. Just think about the last time you tried to hold a conversation when there was a TV in the room – you both kept staring at it right? Or think about the last time you started watching the ‘Top 100 Love Songs’ late at night and then stayed up to the very end despite not really caring about the resolution and certainly not wanting to go to bed that late…


Videos are fantastic for getting people to watch all the way through to the end and they can also be much more persuasive and really sell your point in an emotional way with music and a narrative script. These are less effective at getting people to click away to visit your site but if your objective is to build brand awareness or authority, or just to get likes and shares for your Facebook page, then it can be a great strategy.

So What Works?

So there are a lot of different things to consider when it comes to getting your content to perform well on Facebook. The main points though are that it should be…

Content that is:

 Entertaining/funny

 Short/succinct

 Interesting and unique

 Expressive and specifically targeted

 Trendy or on topic

 Emotional/sensitive

Content that has:

 Amusing/captivating images

 Clickbait titles

 Fascinating titles

 Video


Chapter 3: Tactics – Hit & Run Commenting, Facebook Pages, Ads and More

Now you know the kind of content that typically performs very well on Facebook, the next question is how you go about posting that content for the maximum effectiveness. The question is: what type of posts work well and how do you reach the most people possible?