SEO SPY by Mr Seo - HTML preview

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Chapter 4:

Onsite Optimization



As mentioned earlier, onsite optimization deals with the things you can edit on your own website to make your web content more likeable by Google.



The first thing you must know is keywords. In short, every page should have about 2-5% keywords density. So sprinkle your keywords where it’s due but don’t overdo it.

For total optimization, keywords or key phrases should be present in the titles of blog posts, the first sentence of the first paragraph and also at least once in the body.

Keywords should also be bolded or italicized every now and then. Links should be worded with anchor text links (keywords and phrases).

Also, onsite linkages is highly recommended. Meaning, you should link blog posts and pages together if they are relevant. These small steps contribute to SEO and should be applied when convenient.

One more thing about on site SEO, people say that images don’t contribute to SEO. I beg to differ. Images should be given alternate texts or descriptions. You can also link images to blog posts.

Stick to these good practices and you’ll be on your own to free traffic,