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Credibility Matters

Credibility in the resell rights business is one of the most crucial factors that determine success. If you use a product that is backed by a credible source, then people are more likely to buy it. Using a product with questionable or unknown credibility can spell disaster for any resell rights business.

Creditability is a factor of many things. The first thing is the author’s credibility. The author should have the experience, the knowledge and the ability to write about what he has written about. He should essentially be an expert in the field of whatever he has written.

When you have an author who has the credibility it is likely people know who he is. They have heard about him or know of him and they trust what he has to say.

In many cases, people are even eager to hear what he has to say. What this means for you is that people are going to buy the product simply because of the author associated with it.

Other things can also go towards the credibility of a product. It is a known fact in website creation that if a business website does not look professional and 31

well put together that it greatly affects sales. The same can be said for resell rights products.

If the product does not have a good looking cover and is not well put together, then people are going to view it as unprofessional. They are not going to be interested in buying it because by looking at it they are told that not a lot of effort was put into creating it.

Additionally, the product should contain testimonials and well established marketing materials.

These things all make the first impression on the buyer and they should reflect the professionalism and the quality of the product. It is important to check them out and make sure they look like something that is representative of the content of the product.

The main points about creditability are that a product should:

- be well written and contain quality content

- be written by someone who is an authority on the subject matter

- look well put together and professional

- be represented by marketing materials that are also well written and professional looking

A product that has these characteristics is going to be very credible and therefore be something that should not be hard to sell. People will not hesitate to buy it and you will then be able to make a nice profit.

Making sure your resell rights products have credibility is an important part to your ultimate success. If you have the backing of a professional, well written product, then you can do very well in the resell rights business.


Just make sure to check out the credibility of your product before purchasing it, so you are not stuck with something that lacks credibility and therefore would be a hard sell. Your main objective is to make money and using credible products can go a long way towards making that happen.


Chapter 14

Thinking Beyond Making Just Up-Sells

The resell rights business has a lot of money making potential. It may not be obvious, but if you look beyond just up selling, the initial sell of the product to a customer, then you can find hidden ways to turn a resell rights business into a major money making venture.

Up sells is the basic way to make money from reselling rights products. You buy the right to resell the product and you resell it to your customers. The product you sell is the same product that you bought. You do not change anything about it; you just sell it as it is to your customers.

Up sells is a nice way to make money, but they sure are not the only way to make from resell rights products. One of the best ways to super size your profits from your resell rights business is to get re-branding rights.

The resell rights product you buy is going to contain affiliate links. These affiliate links are links to a website where the reader can then buy products related to the content of what they were reading.

The original author is the affiliate who owns these websites. He will make a commission off each product sold on that website.

What you can do is become an affiliate yourself of these same programs. All you do is sign up for the programs and get your links. When you buy the product you opt to pay a re-branding fee so you have re-branding rights. These 34

re-branding rights will allow you to then insert your affiliate links in place of the original authors’ links.

Now when your buyers click on these links, they go to your affiliate website and you will earn the commissions on the products they buy. Thus you have just created a new line of income for yourself without doing a whole lot more work.

Once you have your links inserted, then all you do is sell and sit back to wait for the affiliate commissions to start rolling in.

By using this backdoor sales tactic you can boost your income from your resale rights business drastically. You will still be making that initial sales income, plus now you’ll have the extra income from the affiliate links.

The best part is, all it takes is a little extra upfront cost on the purchase of the re-branding rights, a little time to set up the affiliate links and then you do not have to do anything else. Resell rights products can be a huge money maker if you know the tricks like using re-branding rights.

The resell rights business has great potential and now you can take advantage of that. You can make sure to get re-branding rights and start making even greater income off your resell rights business.

It doesn’t make sense to simply up sell the product when you can both up sell and get backdoor sales. By doing both you are ensuring your income potential is huge.


Chapter 15

The Best Places To Source For Top Notch