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And Conditions

In the resell rights business, the terms and conditions of a sale are of the utmost importance. It is the terms and conditions that can dictate your ability to profit from your purchase.

So, you have to be sure that you completely understand the terms and conditions when you are purchasing a resell rights product.

There are some main things to look for in the terms and conditions. These things dictate how you resell the product. It is very important that you understand what they so you do not violate your agreement with the original seller.

There is usually a set minimum price that you must abide by for selling the product. The original seller will usually tell you that you must sell the product for a certain price. However, they will usually allow you to sell it for more if you choose to do so.

You will often find information regarding where you can sell the product. Many times the sale of resell rights products are not allowed on auction websites or membership websites.


You should also look for restrictions on the use of the product as a free gift, a bonus or as part of a bundled package. Many times using the product in this manner is not allowed.

Lastly, you should understand the particular rights you are buying. There are different rights that allow you to do different things with the product. You may only be buying basic reseller rights which only allow you to resell the product, as is, without also selling the right s to resell to your customers.

You also need to know if you have the right to alter the content of the product, for example, if you are allowed to exchange your affiliate ids for the original author’s.

There are many different ways the resell rights can be set up. There really is no standard, so you have to make sure you are clear on what rights you are buying. In order to ensure you are getting the rights you desire, you have to know how you are planning on using the product. That way you know what to look for in the terms and conditions.

If you want to use the product on a membership website or you want to be able to add in your affiliate links, then you have to look for a product with resell rights that will allow you to do this. You can not simply just do it anyway.

Violating the terms and conditions is serious. The original author worked hard to create the product and it is your responsibility to respect that and respect the terms and conditions they have set forth.


When it comes to the terms and conditions of the resell rights product, you have to be very precise. You have to make sure you understand everything about them. You could get yourself into a lot of trouble should you violate the terms and conditions you agreed to upon purchase.


Chapter 12

Demand First, Product Second

The key to success in the resell rights business is to understand the law of supply and demand. Basically, this is that whatever the market is demanding needs to be supplied and that supply should never outweigh demand. The details are a bit more complex, but that is the basic idea you have to understand.

When it comes to resell rights products there are many resellers out there.

However, the good thing is there are many different niches to cater to.

The demand for informational products, like those sold through the resell rights business, is high. The supply, or the resellers of reach niche market, is not exceeding the demand in most cases.

Before you get started in the resell rights business, you have to look at the current state of supply and demand for the market you are interested in.

Let’s say you want to find a product that targets people who are interested in learning about setting up a website. You need to look into the demand for information about setting up websites.

Once you see there is a demand for such information you need to find out about the supply of information. You will want to check out the ratio of people supplying such information to those who are wanting the information. If you 29

can clearly see that there is more demand than supply, then this makes for a good niche market.

The last thing you want to do is simply go into a venture without doing any market research. You could end up choosing a niche market that is so over saturated with suppliers that you’ll never turn a profit. When you do market research, you are safeguarding yourself against this.

The goal is to find a niche market that has a steady demand, but does not have enough suppliers to meet that demand. Then you are assured that you can make sales and turn a profit.

The law of supply and demand is an age old factor in business success.

Internet business and traditional business both depend upon supply and demand to ensure success in a business venture. The resell rights business is no different.

Typically, the instinct when starting a business is to find a market where there is little competition. That is unlikely to happen in the resell rights business. So, instead of looking at the competition, you should be looking at the demand.

You can have 100 competitors, but if they are not meeting the demand then there is still room for you to enter the market and be successful.

The bottom line is that it does not matter what other sellers are selling as long as there are enough customers demanding the products.

There is a lot of competition in the resell rights business, but far too many people worry about competition when it is really a factor of demand. That is why you should always check out demand first and choose your product second.


Chapter 13

In The Resell Rights Business,