Successful Project Managers Road Map by Mostafa Alshimi - HTML preview

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How to run productive and  effective meetings


1- Purpose: decide what is the purpose of the meeting what are you  trying to accomplish, address or resolve. If you can handle the  issue by yourself or with second person then the meeting is not  necessary. Run a meeting only if you need inputs from large group  of people or there are issues need to be discussed with the  participants of the meetings.


2- Agenda: if you found this meeting necessary develop and share  agenda with the meeting participants at least one week in  advance –if possible- the agenda should specify the actions to be  discussed and what are outcome expected for each item. The  agenda also should specify the time of the meeting and total  duration. Sending the agenda enough time in advance help  attendees to be prepared to agenda items or ask questions before  attending the meeting, also give them enough time to reschedule  themselves to the meeting time.


3- Stick to the agenda: it is the responsibility of the meeting  facilitator to keep all attendees sticking to the agenda items, and if  someone tried to get out of the agenda or discuss an issue which  is not related to the agenda items he has to hold it and take it to  what is called “Parking Lot” which means to be discussed at a  later stage either in the same meeting or in future meeting.


4- Time Slot: facilitator also must allot time slot for each agenda  item and make sure that all people stick to it, he can assure this by


a. Not allowing someone to repeat what someone already  said.


b. Soliciting input from all individuals before letting someone  who already spoke to speak again.


5- Action Items: before going out of the meeting actions items for  each agenda item must be set which include for each action item:


a. Action to be done.

b. Who is going to do?

c. What is the timeframe?


6- Meeting’s Minutes: which acts like formal message for action  items agreed on in the meeting where the facilitator can follow up  with team attendees, which gives them more trust in such

meetings because they can see the progress.

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