Successful Project Managers Road Map by Mostafa Alshimi - HTML preview

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How to deliver  successful presentation


Any project manager must have presentation skills because he/she will  come to the situation of delivering a presentation, to have a successful  presentation there are lot of actions and steps you have to take and those  actions are divided into 3 parts which are “Before the presentation”,  “During the presentation” and “After the presentation”. Let us take each  section and describe how to manage it.


1- Preparation (Before):


a. Expectations: In this part you are studying all basic  information about your presentation and make sure that  is up to what is expected.


i. Topic: make sure that your audience is aware of  the topic you are going to talk about.


ii. Audience: know / study your audience because  the presentation focus will be different if  audience is stakeholders or project team.


iii. Location: select the location properly, make sure  that the location will have enough space for all  audience, also it must be easily reachable.


iv. Venue: how the presentation will be delivered? Is  it conference room or is it conference call?


v. Time / Duration: it is very important to select the  proper time for audience, make sure that you  selected the time which they will have all the  focus on your presentation. Also take care of the  duration if it more than 50 minutes divide it into  segments and each segment less than 50 minutes.


b. Good Research: it is a key point to have successful  presentation, it should be built on good research and not  questionable facts.


i. Relevancy: it must be relevant to the audience so  they can follow up with you.


ii. Why do they care? You have to find an answer to  this question so you can emphasize your  presentation on this.


iii. How this can beneficial to them? If you found this  answer you got the audience attention.


c. Materials: stay professional and prepare all materials  might be needed during the presentation and make sure  that you have one focal point where all audience follow  up with you like “Power Point”.


2- Presentation (During): Here we came to the most important  section which is the presentation itself, although it is depending  so much on your soft presentation skills but here are some tips to  have to go through this part successfully


a. Arrive & Test: arrive early enough and test the venue and  make sure that everything is properly working.


b. Presentation: that is the main part and as a quick tip on it  divide it into 3 main segments


i. Intro: give the audience important fact, statistical  or a new idea to get their attentions from the  beginning.


ii. Message: detailing the intro to deliver the inner  message.


iii. Wrap-up: make sure that you can wrap-up the  message in one or two sentences as a follow up  on the message.


c. Delivery: how you are presenting is depending on the  type of message, like if the message is for inspiration,  motivation or it is serious situation. Your tone will be  affected by this type. Last note “give space for questions”.


d. Next Steps: determine the next steps after the  presentation either having another sessions, attending a  course or working on proofing the idea you delivered.


e. Your Contacts: mention you contacts details for any  further inquiries or questions.


3- Follow Up (After): This part is coming after the presentation and it  is focusing on the following up on the presentation with the  audience.


a. Send “Thank you”: send a “thank you” mail to the  audience for attending your presentation and leave your  contacts information.


b. Follow up on next steps: try to follow up on next steps  and schedule it if it is under your authority and get  feedback. 

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