Successful Project Managers Road Map by Mostafa Alshimi - HTML preview

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How to assess / measure your  project status and creation  action plan


One of the key reasons that projects can fail is due to the decline of  communication, which also leads to the team members not being heard.  Therefore, the best way to assess the current situation is to establish and  meet the team’s needs.


Assuming that you have been given a project which is already late or you  started the project but due to lake of knowledge and experience of the  team members the project is behind schedule big time now, not only this  but you have a team with low morale because they spent a lot of overtime  but still the project is behind schedule.


Now, having above situation will require you to stop a bit to assess the  status, if it continued like this you would not be able to finish the project  on time and even not finish at all especially with current team morale.  There is a standard process to turn the project around÷


1-Stop the current progress and begin a re-planning effort.

2-Determine the progress made to date and estimate the  work and durations remaining.

3-Determine impact to the other project management  plans (cost, schedule, risk, communications, etc.)

4-Get approval from Sponsor, stakeholders and ICC.

5-Re-publish the plan and reset expectations.


There are many variations to those steps, but in essence, that is what  is required to begin to turn around a project. If step three is  surprising, understand from a project management standpoint, a plan  consists of much more than just a schedule.   Now, you put the project in the right track and prepared the suitable  environment for the project success by resetting the constraint and re- planning efforts but you did not resolve the morale issue, still your team is  pissed off and not motivated at all to offer you more work. For that you  have to spend more effort to identify the remaining tasks which are on the  critical path and do some reassigning actions so all tasks on the critical  path are assigned to people who can be negotiated and motivated back by  paying more through overtime hours.


Such project will need extra effort of monitor and control activities from  you because the chance of re-planning and setting another expectations  will not be given to you again.


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