Successful Project Managers Road Map by Mostafa Alshimi - HTML preview

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How to select appropriate  management style throughout  the project


There are several different types of management styles when it comes to  managing in the workplace and choosing the right type of style to lead  with could have a big impact in terms of how your staff produces for you.  But knowing the four different leadership styles in management does not  mean that you can simply pick one and then that is going to work because  you are then in essence trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. In  most cases, the traits of the staff that you are managing will help to define  the management styles you will use, something blending a combination of  the different categories.


1- Autocratic Management Style: An autocratic manager makes  decisions without the consultation of others, instead serving as a  dictator type in communicating orders because they like to be in  control of situations.


  • Advantages: This style of management leads to :-


A. Work getting done on time because there are less people  involved in the decision making process.

B. Work getting done as you expect because there is one  decision maker, you.


  • Disadvantages: The problem with this type of management  style is that :-


A. The staff are going to eventually lost motivation working  in an environment where they have no say.

B. Employee turnover is likely to run high as they move on to  other opportunities where they can have an impact.


  • When to apply: For situations or events where an on the spot  decision needs to be made or you believe that team is not  mature yet to take decision where the case of beginning of  the project, this type of leadership can serve a purpose, but  trying to have an autocratic style of management in place for  long periods of time is just going to lead to headaches for all  involved.


2- Democratic Management Style: A democratic manager is willing  to share work with his staff by delegating it to get the job done.  You are banking on the competency of your team to get the job  done on time and to have it done correctly.


  • Advantages: This style of management leads to :- A. Employees love this type of management style in business  because they feel involved and part of the process.  B. Their job performance is likely to be better than in an  autocratic setting, though giving them the authority to do  the work may lead some to rely on other to bear the  brunt of the work on the project. Also, depending on what  type of work it is.


C. Employees may feel like the work is being pushed off on  them because you as a manager don’t feel like doing it.


  • Disadvantages: The problem with this type of management  style is that :-


A. Getting too many people involved in the project or  process could slow the work down.

B. It could also mean less time for you to concentrate on  your work as your team asks questions and waits on your  answers before proceeding to the next steps.


  • When to use: The democratic style is most effective when the  leader needs the team to buy into or have ownership of a  decision, plan, or goal, or if he or she is uncertain and needs  fresh ideas from qualified teammates. It is not the best choice  in an emergency situation, when time is of the essence for  another reason or when teammates are not informed enough  to offer sufficient guidance to the leader.


3- Participative Management Style: Also sometime known as  consultative management style, this decision making style in  management revolves around getting lots of feedback from your  staff before coming to a conclusion and making a decision.


  • Advantages: This style of management leads to :- A. This means that the process can take a bit longer as there are  more voices to be heard, but getting a consensus on major  decisions can lead to buy in from those who might otherwise  have been opposed to the implementation of such changes.


  • Disadvantages: The problem with this type of management style is that :-


A. The downside to this style of management and leadership is  that employees may feel that you don’t value their opinion or  are too stubborn if after all of the feedback is received you go  off and make the decision in your own without incorporating  any of their feedback.


  • When to use: If you are going to make company or departmental  policy changes, this type of style can make the team feel involved  and more apt to go with the flow of whatever changes are coming  down. This style also works well for brainstorming sessions as you  work on new product ideas or marketing promotions.


4- Laissez Faire Management Style: In this leadership management  style, the team is given the freedom to complete the job or tasks  in any way they deem it should be done. It is a hands off approach  at the management level in terms of direction, but the manager is  there to answer questions and provide guidance as needed.


  • Advantages: This style of management leads to :- A. This is a good way to help develop individual contributors into  leaders which is only going to serve to make your team  stronger ion the long run.


  • Disadvantages: The problem with this type of management style is  that :-


A. It can lead to conflict on the team is some employees try to  assume the role as a leader in the interim or to dictate to  others how their work should be done.


  • When to use: you can use this management styles when you feel  comfortable about the maturity of the team members and the  harmony between them and their ideas, because they will interact  between each other too much.


Finally, you can see there are many different management styles and each  of them can serve a purpose depending on the type of business and  environment you are in as well as the situation. The most effective  management styles are those which you can take bits and pieces from to  then combine with your own management style to create a good working  environment for all involved.


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