The Future and Exchanging Value by nicholas gruen - HTML preview

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The Future of Exchanging Value Cryptocurrencies and the trust economy 19

‘Disruption’ seemed to become part of the business

It’s best to think of each rapid shift in a punctuated lexicon midway through the 1980s. It was then that

equilibrium in terms of three factors: enablers, drivers digital technology finally reached the point that

and barriers. Enablers are the technologies that spark business best practice could be reconsidered en

rapid change. Drivers are what motivates us to push

masse. In the eighties, Rolls-Royce formalised

through the rapid change. Barriers are the regulations, TotalCare® (the first ‘power by the hour’ service that laws and social mores that prevent the change.

enabled airlines to buy aircraft engine operating

Incremental development of the enabling technologies

hours rather than the engines themselves) which is

happens in the long periods of stability, but the larger credited with being a key enabler of the low-cost

shift is held back by the barriers. Rapid change is

airline industry. The eighties was also when Walmart

triggered when all the enabling technologies are in place invented the data warehouse and used it to provide

and the drivers overcome the resistance from the

consumers with the ‘everyday low prices’ that

barriers, with regulators and laws changed to enable

enabled it to become the largest retailer in the world.

society to capture the value latent in the drivers.

The pace of change now seems to be so rapid

Our financial system runs with very little tolerance for that disruption is somewhere near the top of

change. It sits at the centre of the economy and

every firm’s agenda. Disrupt or be disrupted.

therefore is highly regulated. Experience has shown

that a failing or untrustworthy financial core has knock-Short-term vs. long-term change, and the

on effects that hold the rest of the economy back.

bullwhip effect

We can thank Bill Gates for the aphorism:

Regulators take a justifiably cautious approach to

change, as any negative consequences have the

“We always overestimate the change that will

potential to destroy the savings and retirement plans

occur in the next two years and underestimate the

of many individuals, or broad swathes of government

change that will occur in the next.”10

services used by our more vulnerable citizens. If

FinTech start-ups take market share on either the

As individuals dealing with the current moment,

supply or demand side, the system runs the risk of a

typically we focus on incremental change – the

whiplash effect that could take a year or so to work its slow burn of technological development where

way through, as regulators and consumers react to

each new idea is stacked on top of the previous

market changes and societal preferences.

one. For example, both Apple and Nintendo

experimented with various ideas and technologies

Over-exuberant investment in new technologies can

before arriving at the iPhone and Wii respectively.

also result in a technology-driven over-shoot before

society pulls the technology back into line (or before Progress is rarely so linear. Often there are long

large financial institutions and governments manage to periods of relative calm interrupted by sudden bursts

pull it into existing regulatory frameworks). This can of change. This is cal ed a ‘punctuated equilibrium’ in leave some firms and individuals with nasty hangovers

evolutionary biology theory. While the unpublicised

when they find they have invested in a possible future development of the iPhone involved a long period of

that society has ruled out. We can see this in action with relative calm, its introduction induced a sudden burst the emergence of high-speed algorithmic trading

of change as Apple updated the device in response to

resulting in the flash crash of 2010, a trillion-dollar stock consumer reactions and added significant features

market crash in the United States, which started at

such as the App Store in short order.

2:32pm and lasted for approximately 36 minutes.