The Future and Exchanging Value by nicholas gruen - HTML preview

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About the authors

Peter Evans-Greenwood

Peter has spent his entire career working at the intersection between business and technology. During his career he has worked in Asia, Australia, Europe and the US, lived in Silicon Valley through boom and bust, and held leadership roles in global organisations as well as start-ups and research and development labs. These days he works as a consultant and advisor on the business and technology sides of the fence.

Ian Harper

Ian Harper is one of Australia’s best known economists. He chaired the Federal Government’s Competition Policy Review, served as inaugural Chairman of the Australian Fair Pay Commission, and was one of three panellists chosen to review Victoria’s state finances. In March 2011, Ian joined Deloitte Access Economics as a Partner, following a 25-year academic career that included 16 years at the Melbourne Business School and was elected Emeritus Professor of the University of Melbourne on his departure. Ian is currently a member of the Australian Advisory Board of Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

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Robert Hillard

As the Managing Partner of Deloitte Consulting, Robert helps clients respond to change (technological, economic and social) through a team of more than 1,500 management consultants. Based on his more than 25 years’ experience, Robert believes organisations can only achieve lasting results with a combination of transformation skills and supporting technology. Robert is the author of Information-Driven Business (Wiley 2010) and sits on the national board of the Australian Information Industry Association.

Peter Williams

Peter Williams is an innovator and thought leader in the digital world.

Peter founded the eBusiness Consulting group in Deloitte in 1996 and was CEO of The Eclipse Group, one of Australia’s largest web development companies, from 2003

to 2008. He was also the founder of Deloitte Digital, a business pioneering the delivery of professional services online.

Peter is a sought-after speaker and media commentator both locally and internationally and has worked with boards and senior executives of many companies helping them understand and adapt to the rapidly changing digital environment.