Tube Monetization and Automation Program by Jordan - HTML preview

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Linking Networks Together

One of the best things about Instagram is that you can use links in the video or photo description. Because of this, it works well as a platform to use when sharing ‘snippets’ of longer videos or short descriptions of blog posts, live interviews, or other new updates on your other social media profiles or your business website. For example, if you upload a video interview with a celebrity on your website, you can use Instagram to advertise it by uploading a preview of the clip and a link to the full-length movie for your users to follow. Not only does this mean that you will generate more traffic to your website, blog and other social media sites, it 25

also helps to generate more interest in your content by leaving viewers wondering what else happens after they have seen the preview.


5. Using Video for Describing and Reviewing Your Products

Every video platform including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat provides you with a great opportunity to upload video product descriptions and reviews. For many businesses, YouTube is a natural choice when it comes to creating and uploading video product descriptions and reviews as it can be viewed both on YouTube itself as well as shared on a whole range of other platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and even embedded on blogs and websites. YouTube’s huge shareability means that you wil be able to reach a wider audience with your video product descriptions and reviews, as people are more likely to share videos than any other type of content, and YouTube allows them to share it on a wide range of different platforms, making your content available to an even wider audience and creating genuine backlinks to your site and YouTube channel, improving your business’ SEO.

Why You Should Consider Video Product Descriptions Video product descriptions are becoming a hugely effective tool for marketing online. Not only can video descriptions be used for providing potential customers with a first-hand view of the products that you sell on your website, they can also be used for marketing purposes by uploading them onto social media 27

websites, where people who are not familiar with your brand may find them and become interested. There are many different benefits of using video product descriptions, with the main one being that they are more engaging for your customers. When you provide your customers with a video product description as opposed to text and photographs, it allows them to get a first-hand look at the product and what it looks like in real life when it’s being used. For some products, a video description could be made in the form of a how-to guide, which shows the customer how to use the product to get the best results from it once they’ve purchased it. Or, another example would be clothing stores, who could provide a catwalk video of their fashion pieces in action.

Video product descriptions can also have the effect on making customers relate to the product more as they watch others use it in the types of ways that they would.

Reaching Out to Customers Through Video Descriptions

Businesses are quickly realizing the power of video product descriptions when it comes to reaching out to their customers and generating more interest in their brand. Not only does a video product description double up as a great marketing tool which can be shared on various social media and video platforms, it can also be used in such a way that the customer feels a stronger connection to the brand and product. For example, a toy store who is targeting parents of young children could use a video 28

product description which features toddlers having fun and playing with the toy. This is much more likely to resonate with a parent, who wil find it easier to visualize their own child enjoying the product that they’re viewing.

Why Video Product Reviews Are So Effective When it comes to using video in order to advertise, market and promote your products, video product reviews can be hugely effective. Product reviews are already an important part of shopping online, with a huge range of sites available that are dedicated purely to reviewing various businesses and establishments. Bloggers regularly make a profit from testing and reviewing the products from different businesses and brands in their industry, whether via written content or video.

Video bloggers, known as vloggers, have become more and more popular in recent times. Vloggers cover a whole range of different topics, whether they’re travel ing around the world in their videos, creating beauty tutorials, gaming, cooking and baking, DIY, fol owing their pets, or even creating funny prank and parody videos. The reality is, vloggers can be hugely popular people online, with many making a name for themselves simply because the videos that they post generate a lot of attention. When it comes to reaching out to a wider audience, vloggers are people who are in a great position to help you out. Finding a vlogger who has a large fol owing and creates videos which are related to your 29

business industry is a great way to get the word out there by creating a video product review. Depending on the type of products that you want them to review, you may be able to get the review on their vlog in return for sending them a product to test free of charge, whilst others may accept payment for advertising your brand in their videos.

Video Reviews: The Personal Touch

Anybody who is considering making a serious, important or expensive purchase online without being able to test out the product first is going to prioritize reading customer reviews. Any good e-commerce site knows that allowing customers to leave reviews for not only the business as a whole but for each specific product can go a long way when it comes to building trust with customers and improving customer relations. However, although reading written reviews can provide your customers with a lot of information about a product in order to make an informed decision about purchasing it, a video review can have a ‘personal’ touch which resonates stronger. Actually watching and listening to a person review a product can have a much bigger impact on a customer than simply reading about it. This is because when somebody is watching another person reviewing a product, they have the benefit of being able to see things such as facial expressions and body language, which can tell the viewer a lot.

This is often missed in written product reviews, where it can often be easy to misunderstand things.


Using Video Reviews to Connect With Your Customers

The great thing about video today is that anybody can make a video in a matter of minutes or even seconds. Modern smartphones all have great video-shooting capabilities and features, so not only is it easier for businesses of all sizes to shoot and upload videos to their social media sites, their customers can also do it, too! There are many different ways in which you can use video to connect with and communicate better with your customers, and asking them to leave video reviews of your products that they’ve purchased from you is an effective and fun way to do this. Holding a competition for the best video where the winner gets a prize, for example, is a good way to generate interest in your company, boost sales, and improve customer satisfaction. Not only does asking customers to send in their own video product reviews allow them to engage with your brand, it also encourages them to buy from your brand in order to be able to make a product review and share the competition with their friends and followers. By asking customers to create video product reviews, you can expose your brand and products to a larger audience when they upload and share their video to their own social media profiles. Video reviews could be uploaded on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, or all of them!


6. Why Your Business Needs a YouTube Channel

For social media sites, video is a relatively new trend. Although it’s been possible to share videos on Facebook and Twitter since the early days, features such as uploading live video or having a video profile picture have been introduced later on. However, YouTube is the one video sharing platform which has been around for years. The biggest video sharing platform in the world, YouTube is trusted worldwide and is the go-to site for watching videos about literally anything. With millions of users who enjoy spending their free time looking for new and interesting videos to watch, it definitely makes sense for businesses of all sizes to have their own YouTube channel.