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Using Snapchat for Research

Snapchat is also a great tool for research when it comes to understanding your target audience and learning more about their preferences, likes, and dislikes. When you connect with your customers on Snapchat, you can find out about them in many different ways – for example, you may be able to follow them in order to watch what they upload to Snapchat, or ask your 21

followers to send in Snaps and chats answering different questions which you wil ask. Holding a ‘Q&A’ session on Snapchat which you’l advertise beforehand not only on the app but also on a range of other platforms can be a very effective way to gain more Snapchat followers, get your followers sharing your content, and find out more about your target audience and get to know what they want. Not only does this improve your knowledge of your target audience, it has a lot of potential to provide you with a range of other benefits such as increasing your online presence, improving profits, and boosting customer satisfaction.


4. Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Instagram In the past, Instagram may have gained a bit of a reputation for being a boring photo-sharing app where the majority of users pretended their lives were at lot better than they actually were.

However, if you’ve been keeping up to date with the evolution of Instagram, you’l probably know already that this photo sharing app is quickly becoming one of the most powerful tools for business marketing using video. Instagram’s approach to video may be a little behind – there’s no option for live video and it’s not as quick to use as Snapchat – but, it’s still taking the marketing industry by storm, and for very good reason. Although Instagram only allows users to upload videos which last a matter of minutes, these short and to-the-point videos have proven to be a hugely effective marketing tool.

Today’s modern consumer is a very busy person, and they do not want to waste time watching lengthy videos, especial y if there is a quicker way to get the message across. One of the best examples of Instagram videos is those used by make-up artists. Professional MUA’s and beauty bloggers quickly saw the benefits of using Instagram videos for marketing, making short and sweet tutorials which were sped up in order to fit into Instagram’s short video timeframe. Instantly, this became a big hit with their fol owers, who were suddenly able to learn how to get a make-up look that takes 45 minutes to complete without having to watch a 23

video which took that long. Instead, make-up enthusiasts can now scrol through Instagram and learn how to get the latest looks from their favorite MUA’s in under ten minute’s time. This al ows busy users to get the latest video updates from their favorite brands quickly and efficiently, whether they’re flicking through Instagram on their lunch break or during the morning commute.