15 Best Questions For Effective Employee Evaluation by GroSum - HTML preview

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3. Handling Opportunities & Blows

Type: Subjective


Beyond the employees own KRAs & helping others’ along the way, there is this world of surprise where unanticipated opportunities or blows arrive. Sudden Opportunities can be a new project/business, in skill development or even partner relationships. On the other hand blows can range from personal losses to a project being scrapped or a business unit shut down.

How did the employee respond to these while staying focused & delivering on one’s primary duties?

Review Methods

The Manager & Employee should first sit together & agree on the opportunities & blows that came along during the review period and the professional & personal context in which these appeared for the employee.

Then, they should independently assess how the employee responded to the situation against what could have been an expected response, the quality of decisions taken & how the organization supported the employee and what impact this had to the organization in the end. Also, identification of key learning & recommendations to help improve the employee’s response to similar incidences in the future is very important.

Finally, there should be a closure discussion where the employee & manager exchange notes, discuss and agree on the key leanings and recommendations for the future.