31 Days to a Better Business in 2014 by Marey Hoeppner - HTML preview

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message to the VP of Marketing titled ‘Your website does not rank for ‘Flights to Australia’. We were in their London corporate office the next week.

3) Conferences and Trade Shows

I’m not talking about setting up a booth, I’m

day getting pitched to, so just be upfront with

talking about turning off your computer,

the sales people. They will appreciate it and

shaving your face, and going to a conference

you can become genuine friends. They may

your future customers are attending. Check

even have start-ups on the side! Ask them

out the calendars of a few of your closest

who the decision maker is, write down their

convention centers. Many times the general

name and see if they are at the conference or

trade show exhibit sections are free or greatly

left any business cards behind. You can also

discounted. (If you happen to put on a suit,

ask who they use currently for the service you

throw on a couple of old conference badges,

offer, if they are happy with it, and how best

and walk into an event with confidence, I hear

to get in touch with the decision maker. Now,

many times they are even free….)

when you call the company next week you

have a name to ask for, and a background story

75% of the people at these exhibits are going

from the industry conference.

to be sales people. You can’t waste your entire

4) Chamber of Commerce or Networking Group

Every county has a Chamber of Commerce, and the reason they are popular is because they work.

My advice is to have fun with it. These are local companies, people in your community, neighbors, and friends. Go in trying to help THEM. If you take that approach, time will fly by, you’ll make friends, and after a short time, get leads and business. Check out your local Chamber of Commerce or BNI Group.