31 Days to a Better Business in 2014 by Marey Hoeppner - HTML preview

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If you’re working on a startup, or even if you’ve

business, but I’ve had the chance to work with

gotten past the “start” phase, you should be

a lot of startups since, and a lot of businesses

spending some time working on promoting

that are learning how to bring their businesses

your business online. It’s been a few years since

more visibility on the Web. These are some

I first worked as a site designer/developer and

things I’ve seen that people might ignore or

in-house web promoter (and then SEO, when

miss, that can hurt how they are trying to use

search engines started showing up) for a single

SEO to market their business.

Don’t Use Paid Search Traffic Numbers to Choose Organic Search Keywords Many people may tell you that it can be helpful

of those is that when search engines display

to use paid search to test and investigate the

advertisements within search results, those

value of some keywords that you might want to

ads might be targeted not only to the exact

include on your pages in an attempt to do SEO.

keywords that a searcher typed as a query, but

This isn’t a bad idea, but it has some caveats

also to what Google refers to as “broad match”

that don’t always accompany that advice. One

results. The ads might be within a category