31 Days to a Better Business in 2014 by Marey Hoeppner - HTML preview

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that matches a searcher’s query, but may not

pages of their site based upon the numbers of

rely solely upon the terms chosen by you as an

visits that they received for those terms using

advertiser. That may mean that you may get a

paid search, without realizing that the amount

lot more people clicking upon your ad in search

of traffic was for broad match advertisements

results based upon those categories than just

based upon categories rather than the exact

the exact keywords that your advertisement is

match numbers. Broad match ads might send

based upon.

1,000 visitors to their pages, but exact match

ads would likely only deliver a fraction of

On August 28th of last year, Google replaced

that amount, and so using those numbers for

the keyword suggestion tool that they offered

SEO is going to be disappointing. The Google

with The Google Keyword Planner. The

Keyword Planner does show search volumes in

Keyword Planner now shows search volumes

exact match numbers now, and is more likely

for keywords on an “exact match” basis, but

a closer reflection of the traffic that you might

the old suggestion tool used to show “broad

see if you optimize a page well for organic

match” search volumes by default, and you

search and rank highly.

had to go through a couple of steps to change

it to display “exact match” search volumes.

This led to some confusion, and I’ve worked

with more than one client who was trying to

do keyword research and had gathered search

volumes using the broad match numbers. It

was a little heartbreaking telling someone

that the search volume that they might expect

to see for a particular keyword phrase wasn’t

500+ searches a month, but rather around 12

if the keyword suggestion tool was set to exact

match instead of the default “broad match.”

The exact match numbers are closer to what

you might see in terms of search volume on

the organic search results you might see at

Google in organic results.

Since the switch over to the newer Keyword

Planner Tool, I’ve had some people tell me that

they planned keywords that they optimized