31 Days to a Better Business in 2014 by Marey Hoeppner - HTML preview

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Avoid Omnibus Services or Features Pages

It’s not unusual to run across a page on a site

meaningful content and images. But when a

where site owners show off and describe all

page bundles all of those services or features

of the services that they offer together, rather

together, titles and descriptions and page

than having separate pages for each service.

content tends to be more generalized and it’s

Or that provide a list of features that their

much harder to optimize a page for specific

goods or service address. Separate, each of

services or features that people might be

these service offerings or features would be

searching for.

easy to optimize a web page for, with unique

titles and meta descriptions, and relevant and

DAY 25 - Kat Haselkorn

An “Innovative” Look at Innovation

“Innovation” is a common buzzword at startups and incubators. Young companies feel like they have to be creative, groundbreaking, and “disruptive” every step of the way. Though there is some merit to this approach, and great companies have been born from such a process, sometimes sticking to more traditional procedures is what a business needs to succeed.

This humorous cartoon by artist Mark Anderson touches on “innovation” as a social nuance. The illustration essentially says: If every company relies on successful businesses for innovative ideas, it’s no longer innovative; It’s just plain copying.

He sums it up nicely here:

Truly forging your own path and thinking

outside the box sometimes means blocking

out the outside noise and following your

own quirky ideas. Thanks to Mark Anderson

of AnderToons.com for this humorous comic.

Source: Mark Anderson via www.andertoons.com