31 Days to a Better Business in 2014 by Marey Hoeppner - HTML preview

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Don’t Write Your Website For You and Not Your Audience

Many industries use jargon that their audience

The food additive you’ve created might

members may not be aware of. Many site

use a scientific break-through reported in

owners show off the features of what they

subscription-only journals. If the audience

offer without describing the benefits of those

you’ve created your products for haven’t heard

features to their audiences in words that the

of those terms before, they might not find

audience might use to search for them, and

you, even if what you offer is exactly what

expect to see on a page offering those services

they want.

or goods. You really need to be able to get into

the heads of the people who might be most

You need to spend some time learning about

interested in what you offer, and anticipate

who your audience is, and how they talk about

what words they might use to find your site.

the kind of products or services that you offer.

The app that you offer might use cutting edge

Then you need to use that language on your

technology that no one has heard of before.


Don’t Mix Audience Messages and Confuse Visitors

A friend showed me a page on a site about

they both shared in common was that they

financial services recently. The company

were both offered through the same division

behind the site is a household name, but the

of the company, and so the home page for

division of the company offering the services

the site was focused upon both audiences,

decided that it would be a good idea to create

showing pictures of younger couples moving

a site where they showed off what they offered

into new homes, and pictures of older people

together, even though the services were aimed

setting up offices. It gave me a headache.

at two different audiences.

The text on the page included messages

One offering was personal loans, aimed at

about financing, but didn’t target either

people who may have just left their parents

audience very well. I couldn’t help but think of

homes, and were setting out on their own. The

how much stronger both messages would be

other offering was for business loans for people

if they were presented on two different sites,

who were setting up a business, and that was

instead of reflecting the organization of the

targeted at a somewhat older audience. What
