31 Days to a Better Business in 2014 by Marey Hoeppner - HTML preview

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Several years ago, my business partner and I used to make a daily commute from Ashburn, VA to Washington, DC and back. We had many conversations over those 90+ minute commutes, as you can imagine.

One that we still joke about to this day is the idea of, “Do we want to be fit? Or, Do we want to be rich?”.

We were in the midst of building a business, so who doesn’t dream about riches at that stage? And, with all of the effort that was going into it, we thought it was a ‘this or that‘ decision. Either we spend a lot of time at the gym to ‘get healthy’, or we spend a lot of time on the business and ‘get rich’.

These were serious, albeit humorous, discussions. We both decided that we were going to skip the gym and focus on the business.

This wasn’t so great for our health, but the business has succeeded. The decision just left us both tired and embarrassingly out of shape.