31 Days to a Better Business in 2014 by Marey Hoeppner - HTML preview

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Reaching a Tipping Point

Around this time last year a couple of us

a fitness guru that resonated with me. It was

headed west to visit clients. Every day it was


a power lunch and every night was a heavy

dinner. I returned home feeling worse than I

80% of your body composition is determined

had in a long time. Sure, the jet lag didn’t help,

by what you eat.

but it was more than that. I decided things

needed to change.

- Mark Sisson

I did a ton of reading and found a quote from

Ah, the good old Paretto Principle rears its 44


head again. This simple statement helped me

Once I had eating down though, I was ready to

resolve the ‘this or that’ dilemma in my head.

tackle that remaining 20%. What I found is that

Changing my diet wouldn’t take time away

when carving out time for a workout, the 20%

from my business and could have a profound

is easier than it sounds. You just need a couple

impact on my overall performance. I was in.

of hours a week dedicated to it… and you can

easily do that by cutting out a few TV shows or

I chose to do Paleo, and won’t bore you with the

improving the efficiency of a recurring process.

details, except to say that I’m a big fan. I think

Whatever your way of making it happen, just

any entrepreneur could benefit from choosing

know that the ROI is well worth it. Your return

a healthy way of eating. Anything from Atkins

will be a healthier you. Here are some of the

to Zone, and everything in between. In fact,

things I, or my colleagues, do to stay active.

UberOffices Tysons is home to Prana Living,

where you can be coached on healthy eating

and a healthy way of life.

1. CrossFit for the Alpha Entrepreneur

A friend posted this on Facebook

yesterday, and unfortunately I’m not

sure I can disagree:

Crossfit is like the anti-fight club. The

first rule of Crossfit is always talk

about Crossfit.

I’ve been doing CrossFit, and yep, I’m

gonna talk about it (briefly). I started

about 5 months ago and am in better

shape than I ever have been. It

combines elements from weight lifting, gymnastics, sprinting, and mobility to create a well-rounded athlete.

If you are an alpha entrepreneur who goes all out, I think CrossFit could be great for you. In just 45

3 hours a week, you’ll come out stronger and more fit. Anyone, at literally any level, can start on CrossFit. Everything scales.

2. Boxing for the Angry Entrepreneur

Before CrossFit, I was a member at an LA

downside if you want to build muscle).

Boxing off-and-on for two years. I enjoyed my

experience there, and I think boxing and other

If your business is high-stress, or if you tend

combat sports are great for releasing pent-

to be anxious, this may be a way to work it

up anger, energy, and frustration. The only

out in a healthy, productive manner. This way

downsides I found were that, after a while,

you get a workout and aren’t simmering with

it can get a little monotenous as there isn’t a

frustration or aggression every night when you

ton of variety available. Additionally, it won’t

head home.

help you build much muscle (which is only a

3. Yoga for the Zen-Like Entrepreneur

My exposure to yoga has been limited to a

Kat says: Yoga really does help you relax and

few post-workout exercises to stretch out

decompress, all while increasing your mobility

and loosen up after weight training. However,

and flexibility. If an entrepreneur has a laidback

I know a ton of entrepreneurs really think it

personality, this could be a good fit as it isn’t

adds an extra dimension to their approach

“in your face” like CrossFit. On the flip side, if

in business, so I think it is worth considering.

a business owner is under a lot of stress, yoga

Since I know almost nothing about it, I solicited

can be an amazing outlet to quell anxiety and

some input from my colleague, Kat Haselkorn,

release tension. I look at yoga as an important

who is a regular yogi.

piece of an overall program for well-being.

4. Running for the Insane Entrepreneur

Ok, so that headline sucked. Truth is, I’ve never

of running for more than 10 minutes at a time

been able to enjoy long distance running. I love

is the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard for

sprinting and interval training, but the thought
