31 Days to a Better Business in 2014 by Marey Hoeppner - HTML preview

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Running is ultimately the route that Dan chose to go with to get healthy, and good for him. It’s not for me, but if it is your personality, go for it. If you try running for distance for a week or so, you’ll quickly decide whether or not it’s a good fit. If it isn’t, you have plenty of other options.

So there you go… 4 places to turn to take your mind off of your business for a little bit and focus on yourself. This is the time of year when resolutions are broken. Stay strong and find something that you enjoy, which will make it infinitely easier to stick to!

DAY 30 - Mike Moriarty

Turning a “No” to a “Yes”

You can’t be afraid to hear “No” from people. As a startup you will and should occasionally hear the word. It might come from sales prospects, potential employees, vendors, or customers. When someone says yes to you, you have no more information, the deal is done and you’re on to the next problem. A “No” is so much more fun! Now is when you have a chance to learn more about the person, their reasoning, and help change their decision to a “yes”.

Here are few steps to help you do that.

1. Ask “Why Not”

Be polite, and be respectful as you’ll need to keep them talking. Humor doesn’t hurt from time to time either.

2. Repeat verbatim their reason for saying “No”.

This allows you to make sure you understand.

“So you don’t want to move forward with the contract because you feel the monthly cost is too high?”