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In current times medical costs are sky rocketing, and not having or having inadequate amount of health insurance cover can prove to be a huge financial disaster. If an individual is unable to afford proper health care it could lead to poor health.

What is Health/Medical Insurance?

It is a Promise to;

Pay the bills in case of accidents, emergency treatments or regular medical consultations either as inpatient or outpatient

Insure the coverage of specific medical services offered through specific network of hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers and pharmacies etc.

How Medical Insurance in UAE Works?

The Client Pays a Premium or fee to be enrolled in the correct plan based on his/her needs.

The Insurance Company provides cover and Pays the balance, after client has met the deductible and pay the Co-insurance (if any)…

Understanding Key Health Insurance Terms

The following aspects have to be planned before choosing the right plan;

In-Patient: The care of patients whose condition requires admission to the hospital

Out-patient: The care of patients whose condition does not require admission to the hospital

Pre-Existing: Any personal illness or health condition that was known and existed prior to the writing and signing of an insurance contract

Chronic: A medical condition which persists for a long period or indefinitely

Deductible: Amount you pay out of pocket on each visit, before the insurer will pay for the service (Nil – AED 50, 100 etc.)

Co-Insurance: Percentage share of cost, usually 10 %  or 20%

Area of coverage: Whether the insured needs only a local coverage, or if he / she travels frequently will they need medical cover in other countries.

Medical cover in USA is very costly and the premiums for plans covering USA can be very high.

Any Pre-existing medical conditions: If the Insured suffers from any preexisting conditions like diabetes, hypertension, he should disclose the same to his insurance broker or medical insurance provider, otherwise he could be denied cover at later stages.

Based on the medical conditions the premium for the medical insurance is arrived.

Do you require Maternity Cover?

DHA compliant plans in Dubai and Plans in Abu Dhabi now offer maternity cover on all plans without a waiting period.

However if the applicant is already pregnant the premiums could go up substantially, hence it is important to avail medical insurance in advance.

Do you require Dental cover?

Dental cover is optional and usually comes at a higher premium .

What grade of Hospital Network do you require? This aspect is very crucial and most issues of a medical insurance arise due to confusion on the network of hospitals.

The Insured is advised to obtain a list of hospitals which are in the network of suggested medical insurance plans and ascertain if his preferred clinics or hospitals are a part of the list.

The premium amount depends on the network of hospitals selected.

Exclusions: All medical insurance plans have certain exclusions and a good understanding of the exclusions is very important before deciding on the suitable medical insurance plan.