A Point of View with Grant McGaugh and Mike Kim Brand Master by Grant McGaugh - HTML preview

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A Point of View with Grant McGaugh and Mike Kim Brand Master Grant: So I'm going to give you some feedback that I got from listening to your podcast. Number one, I got some con dence., I said to myself, I hear what he's saying. I think I can apply some of these principles. They're not that complicated. If I put in the work, really put in the work, I will step through these things and be succesful.

Now, I've been doing my business going on 3 years. I can't believe it's been three years, right? I took my time because I'm still working. I still have my 9 to 5.

I still do those things because I'm taking my time to build my foundation.

I believe I'm now at step ve of your model, your step ve and step six. And I want you to, I want you to tell the audience. First, you know, walk them through those rst four steps and the importance of them and why that's so important to have that down before you get to that ve and six .

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A Point of View with Grant McGaugh and Mike Kim Brand Master 9 - 41

(MIKE): Yeah. Well, the way that I look at it is that a lot of people kind of have an idea of what they're supposed to do.

And they, they kind of like throw things against the wall. And a lot of times we do them out of order. I tell people like these steps are sort of like digits in a phone number. You can have the right numbers, but if they don't go in the right order, you're not going to be dialed in, right? You're not really focused, right?

You end up like calling the wrong person. Right. And people get frustrated. But what we have to understand is that success is sequential. It's not simultaneous.

You got to build, like you're saying that foundation rst, right? And so where I really start with people who want to build a business around their personal brand, what I mean by a personal brand is an identity.

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