A Point of View with Grant McGaugh and Mike Kim Brand Master by Grant McGaugh - HTML preview

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10 - 41

A Point of View with Grant McGaugh and Mike Kim Brand Master That's based on your ideas, your

expertise, your reputation and

your personality that matters,

right? So when we think about the

fact that it's not just what you

know, but how you do it and how

you convey your ideas and

communicate your ideas. It's rst

very important step one to have a

point of view.

You have to have some values.

You've got to have some beliefs.

There have to be some tenants.

They could drive into the ground

as a stake and say, this is where I

hang my hat. And then once you

have a point of view, you can share

personal stories. That's step

number two.

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A Point of View with Grant McGaugh and Mike Kim Brand Master 11 - 41

We need to know who you are. We

need to know why you do it. Right?

Every superhero, super villain,

every big in uencer that we follow

online, we, most of us know their

stories. We all know that Batman's

parents were killed. We all know

that Tony Robbins grew up very,

very poor. You know, these origin

stories, these personal stories, like where did you come from?

So that's got to be an integral part

of building a business around your

personal brand. So you got a

pro le of you, personal stories, a

platform, and you've got to share

these stories somewhere, whether

it's a podcast, a blog, a YouTube

channel, Instagram, or other social

media channels.

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