Be a Tiptop Server by J. D. Marshall - HTML preview

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Powerful Soft Selling


Earlier the effect of selling was discussed briefly. But this topic deserves a lot of attention. Others would have you believing that you should only be selling when it is not busy. I can’t tell you how wrong that is. You should be constantly selling, from the time you approach the table to the time you thank your guests for dining with you.

The first selling you are doing, is selling yourself. This applies to the previous topics of grooming and smiling. Since we understand that part we will devote this to the selling of the products and the dining experience.

When you sell it should always be with the soft sell approach. The guest is dining in your restaurant and expecting a great meal and experience, they are not there to buy a car.

How do we soft sell? First you must know your products (re-read previous chapter if needed). Then we must offer multiple choices. We must also use the professional server head nod and positive language. The head what?

The professional server uses a very positive head nod when soft selling a guest. A positive head nod is up and down when offering the guest an item. To often when a server is asking a guest if they would like appetizer or a special drink they are shaking their head back and forth. This sends a mental negative message to the guest.

When taking the drink order for example, “Would you folks like to start of with a martini, a margarita or bottle of wine, we have a great house cabernet?” The professional server will be nodding his head up and down slightly. This sends a positive message to the guest who will normally order either the first or last item.

Do not ask – “What would you like to drink” or “Do you want something to drink” This is negative and will not help your earnings.

This applies to every course you offer. Suggest, suggest, suggest with the professional server head nod and positive language be descriptive.

Remember all the add on items that you can suggest also:

Premium and top shelf liquors.

Bowl of soup instead of a cup.

Sauteed mushrooms, onions and or cheese with the burgers.

Bottle of wine instead of individual glasses for two or more.

The list goes on and on. Sit down and make a list of all the menu items that you can add to. You will be surprised at what you come up with.

Never turn down the opportunity to sell or suggest items, even when you’re slammed. Your guests are there for their own dining pleasure not yours. Make it a memorable experience for them.

Increase your ticket average and you will see your income increase along with it.