Be a Tiptop Server by J. D. Marshall - HTML preview

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Closing the Deal


This is your last opportunity to increase your tip. Don’t blow it here. Most servers will approach the table with the guest check in hand as soon as the guests are done with their entrée and will set it down with a quick thank you.

Now is the time to let the guests really enjoy the dining experience. Always offer desert, an after dinner cocktail, a cup of coffee (latte/cappuccino) using your newly learned adjectives and soft sell techniques.

Present the check only after the guest has refused all your offers and you have personalized the check (include your mint/candy here). Do not go more than ten steps (about 20 to 30 feet) without glancing back to see if they have the payment ready.

Pick up as soon as they are ready and offer to bring the change or credit card right back. Never, never ask if they need change, this will kill your large tip almost immediately. Always assume that they want change back.

When the guest uses a credit card, thank them by name when you return the card to them. Also at this time thank them for dining with you and let them know what a pleasure it was serving them. Tell them that you look forward to seeing them again soon and that you would be more than happy to serve them.

This is also a great time to lightly touch your guest on the shoulder or to shake hands with them.

Be sincere and smile!

(P.S.) Make sure you give back change properly so you may also increase your tips. Always have ones and fives included in the change. If the bill is $34.28 and they give you a Fifty, the change you should give them back would be 6-$1 bills and 2-$5 bills. Throw in the .28 cents so they don’t have to carry change or leave you change. Give them a gift and they will reciprocate by leaving you a larger tip.