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Chapter two


The major business credit bureaus that compile and provide copies of the reports are:

  • Dun & Bradstreet
  • Experian Business
  • Equifax Business

Unfortunately, because the information provided to the business credit bureaus is sent in voluntarily--no business is required to send it in--the credit bureaus may never receive all or even any information about your business credit transactions. In fact, you could go for years racking up business credit without any of it being reported to the credit bureaus.


It is imperative that when building business credit you verify that the creditors are reporting to the bureaus so your business profile is being built Accurately. This is a major reason DIY’ers fail you can get expert help if needed.


Dun & Bradstreet is the leading provider of credit building and credibility solutions for emerging businesses. woven into the fiber of corporate America and a credit reporting industry dating back to 1837.

Dun & Bradstreet provides real business credit monitoring solution available to companies looking to monitor and impact their own business credit profile.

The D-U-N-S Number has become the standard for tracking more than 265 million businesses and is required to do business with hundreds of trade, government, and industry organizations around the globe. Banks and potential partners may use your D- U-N-S Number to access your business credit file, see your business credit history and help make decisions about your company.

Apply for Duns number:


Experian helps you manage your business credit.

Your business credit score is essential to the financial health of your business. It impacts your business in numerous ways, such as the amount of credit suppliers will extend you and the interest rates you'll pay. Check your Experian business credit report to stay in control of your business credit.

Experian’s scoring model, known as Scorex Plus (formerly the Intelliscore), is not as universally utilized by credit grantors as the Dun & Bradstreet Paydex scoring model. However just as important and you should register with them as well.

To apply:


Equifax is a global information solutions company that uses trusted unique data, innovative analytics, technology and industry expertise to power organizations and individuals around the world by transforming knowledge into insights that help make more informed business and personal decisions. The company organizes, assimilates and analyzes data on more than 820 million consumers and more than 91 million businesses worldwide, and its database includes employee data contributed from more than 7,100 employers.

To register your business:

It’s important for you to get your company listed because it can make the process of establishing business credit and financing much easier but keep in mind that there is over 25 other business credit bureaus not listed here and some are even industry specific. You may want to look into some of these particular bureaus to get listed with in addition to the major 3 we covered early.

Seven more Business Credit Bureaus you should know.

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  • AccurintTMBusiness
  • Clientchecker
  • Paynet
  • Cortra
  • ChexSystems

These business credit bureaus allow your business to establish its own credit profile, scores, and payment history. As a business owner you should know who the major business credit reporting agencies are.