1. Login to your Blogger account, go to your Blog 2. Click on the Template tab.
Once you are at the Template you should by default be at the "Edit Current" section. To update your template, you will need to perform the following steps.
1. Inside your notepad with your modified template, right click and " Select All"
2. Once all the text of the template is highlighted, press CTRL+C to copy it.
3. Switch to your blogger window
4. Right click on the text box containing the template and click on "Select All"
5. Press the Backspace button to remove the current template
6. Press CTRL+V to paste your new template into the text box
7. Once your new template information is in the text box, click on "Preview" to see blog
8. If everything looks ok, then Save your template. Otherwise, you go through the steps in this eBook again and make sure everything is set correctly and try again.
If you've managed to create your accounts, modify your template and get it installed, you have created a simple little website on the internet completely free, with the potential to generate revenue. However, this only marks the beginning of your adventure. To produce the revenue, you will need to receive visitors.
The very best way to receive visitors is to produce content. We recommend that you create a blog which interest you and is focused on a theme. Some of you may want to create a Poker Blog, and talk about poker, provide links to your favorite poker sites, create affiliate accounts with poker sites, etc,. Some of you may be interested in creating a Romance blog, or a Poetry Blog. Whatever your blog is, try to keep it theme based and have fun with it. Create entries every day, or every other day. Keep your blog active, and visit other blog sites and leave comments. Comments often generate visitors to your blog, because the readers are interested.
You can create more than one blog. You are welcome to create several blogs with your blogger account, so it's ideal to stay away from a general "blog", such as "My View on Everything Blog". The best approach might be to create two or three blogs, each with a specific purpose in life.
Additionally, you are not limited to the template provided for you here. Once you become involved and experienced with blogging you should be able to search the internet and find a number of different blogs you can download and modify for free. We have provided you with this blog template to give you an idea of how a revenue template might be designed for blogs.
Increase Revenue With TrafficThe only way you will produce revenue with your blog or website, is if you are able to attract visitors. We recommend you add your blog address in as many free directories as you can. Let people know your blog exists by visiting other blogs and adding your comments. You may want to do this carefully, because you don't want to end up "spamming" your blog address all over the internet just for the sole purpose of shamelessly promoting your blog. Do it with pride and contribute worth while content when you add comments to other peoples blogs. Remember, they've created their blog to provide some value or entertainment to their readers, not to provide an outlet for people to promote their own blogs.
Finally, one the best ways to remain active and grow is to challenge yourself. Give this eBook to a friend and create a little friendly competition to see who can generate the most page impressions and revenue in a month. Include a link to your friends blog and in return have your friend create a link to your blog as well. There is nothing like a little friendly competition to motivate you. Additionally, you'll be able to exchange ideas and share experience.
For more information on ways to promote your blog, please visit our website at Work From Home Facts.Have fun with it, and I wish you the best!
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Work From Home Facts
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