of our series on Ebay, we’re going to discuss a topic
that many Ebay sellers don’t even think about and don’t bother doing. This is a big mistake. I’m referring to the “about me” page. After you read this article, you will understand why an “about me” page is so important and how to create one.
Let me first start off by saying that having an about me page is not going to skyrocket your sales into the stratosphere, but it will help. The main reason it will help is that it builds trust.
People buying from you are going to want to know something about you if they’re not going to be worrying about you trying to rip them off. Let’s face it, with all the scams out there, people are a little gun shy to buy anything these days. Having an about me page and telling them a little about yourself will help gain their trust.
So, what do you put on your about me page? Well, you can put just about anything you want. They’re free, so it’s not going to cost you anything to fill it up with information. There are some things on this page that you are going to want to include. Certain items will help build that trust I was talking about more so than other items.
One of the main things you should include on your about me page is a picture, but not just any old picture. If you take a look at most of the ebooks and products out there, you will notice that the photos of the author or developer of the product is always smiling and in almost all cases, is just a head shot. If you can’t take a good photo yourself, then have a professional photographer take one of you. Trust me on this. Appearance is more important that you can imagine.
Another thing you want to put on your about me page is your hobbies an interests. Now, while you may not think this can possibly be important but it is. Let’s for argument sake say that you are a musician. If you put this fact down on your page, including what instrument you play, you might run into somebody who views your about me page, sees you are a musician and immediately develops a bond with you. Musicians are like that, as are card collectors, comic collectors and so on. It’s like we’re all part of a club. We can identify with each other and therefore are more likely to trust each other. So lists your hobbies and interests, all of them.
Also include a way for people to contact you. If people think that they can reach you, they are less likely to believe that you are going to take off with their money after they’ve paid you for whatever it is you’re selling.
As I said, an about me page isn’t going to make the difference between 10 sales and 100 sales, but it may make the difference between 10 sales and 15 sales. I don’t know about you, but I’m not willing to throw away 5 extra sales over something as simple to do as an about me page.
In our next chapter, I’m going to give you some tips for your listings, including what I think are the most important things you should have in them.
See you then.