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Facebook Fan Pages

In this section I want to cover Facebook Fan Pages. We are going to make our own Fan page and grow it slowly. Creating a Fan page is free and it is very easy.


Go for “Brand or Product” and then you choose “Website” and fill in the name you want your Fan page to have. It is not harder than that. You are building a fan page for your website so it is an obvious choice. Next you just follow the instructions. There is no point to write what you should do because Facebook already have very good instructions on what you should do to create your Fan page.

When you are done creating your page you want it to look good. Once again we will head over to Canva and create a profile picture and a page cover. Now, by this time you should know how Canva works. One thing I haven’t mentioned is that they have templates you can choose from. For the profile picture, Facebook want it to be at least 180x180px, so you can either create a custom picture with that dimensions or you can choose any template that is square. For the cover, Canva already have a template with the correct dimensions so that is easy to do.

So now you should have created your Fan page and designed and uploaded a profile picture and a cover photo. As you can see on your Facebook wall, there are updates telling people that you did just changed photos. It doesn’t look good and it tell everyone that the Fan page is new, so I would suggest you remove these posts.


Next we want to make sure that the page is looking active. What I suggest you do is to upload some pictures, share some websites and/or videos. Just take some random videos from YouTube that fit the niche. You can also find articles to share on BuzzFeed. You can also use Canva to create some nice pictures that fit the niche. The goal here is that when people visit the page, they see that it is an active page with relevant content on it. No one likes a dead page.

So now we should be fully set up. You have a nice looking fan page that is looking active. Awesome. But we are not done with the basic configuration of our fan page. I know I make it sounds tedious and hard but it is really not. All of this maybe take 20-30 minutes but you will be rewarded tenfold if your page is looking professional and not amateurish. Some things you want to fill in and do:

  • Fill in as much information as possible on the About Page. As you may know, Facebook has an algorithm that is deciding what people are shown. Just because a person like your page doesn’t mean the person will see all your posts. However, the more information you have on the About page, Facebook will reward you by showing it to more fans. As I said, this is not confirmed but it doesn’t hurt, right?
  • CTA Button. You can add a Call to Action button on your page. That button should of course go to your website or landing page.

Now you should be ready to start getting likes to your page. Just make one final check. Take a look at your page. Would you like that page? If yes, then great. If no, why? Then change that part you don’t like.

Getting people to like your fan page can be as hard as to drive traffic to a landing page. You are basically taking the same steps.

  • Link to your Facebook page on forum signatures
  • Share it with your friends
  • Let your subscribers know that you have a fan page
  • Post good content

One thing you can do is to write posts and tag another page in that post. By entering @ and then the name of the page or person you want to tag you can notify them that you have mentioned them. This will help new pages to attract traffic from already existing pages with a big audience.

Contests are a great way to increase your fan base.

“CONTEST TIME: Like and share this post and be able to win *the price*”

It doesn’t have to be something fancy. Depending on your niche it could be basically anything. It could be a digital product, maybe a mug from eBay or anything. Just make sure it is something that people want. If you have to spend $10-15 on a mug and you get more fans that you can send promotions to later on, it is totally worth it.

You can also go to other fan pages (that is relevant to your niche of course) and comment on their posts and tag your own fan page in the comment. You need to make it look good though. Don’t just say “Like my fan page @fanpagename”. You need to build it in into the comment and make sure it is relevant to the original post.

Ask your fans to like and share your posts. You know how YouTubers are asking you to subscribe to their channel? Do the same with your fans on Facebook.

To be fair, the absolute easiest way to build a fan pages is by using Facebook Ads but that is a choice you will have to make yourself.