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Chapter 5: Twitter

So in this chapter we are going to talk about Twitter. It is the same as with Facebook, if you don’t know what Twitter is you must be living in a cave somewhere!

Twitter is HUGE. It is used by all kinds of people, regular people keeping track of their interests and friends, celebrities interacting with fans, businesses promoting their services etc… Anybody can use twitter. When you think about it, it doesn’t take a genius to work out why Twitter is good for business. Any tool that allows mass communication with tons of customers is super powerful and Twitter is definitely being used successfully to communicate with customers.

This helps businesses build stronger relationships with their customers and let customers engage more with these businesses. That’s why Twitter is so great for business and for Internet Marketers.

With that said, you need to make sure you use Twitter the right way. If you end up spamming people, your reputation will take a serious hit. Social networking provides a great business opportunity, but also has the potential to damage your business and hurt your reputation.

In this chapter I will tell you how you can and should use Twitter for marketing and how you should not… The first thing is to of course have a Twitter account and no, I will not show you how to create an account. If that is something you can’t figure out, I recommend that you find yourself a 9-5 job where people tell you what you should do and leave internet marketing now!

However, if you know how to register for a website, awesome! Let’s get down to business.

Let’s start with your account. Is it looking good? This is the same as the Facebook page. It need to look professional and good. Some things you want to make sure is filled out and looks good is:

  • Profile Picture Have a descriptive profile picture that relates to your niche
  • Profile Cover Same as Facebooks page cover
  • Name Whatever… A suggestion would be to have the same as your Facebook page or your business name
  • Location Pretty self-explanatory
  • Web Here you have your name or landing page
  • Bio Short description of your business and the benefits of opting in to your landing page
  • Background You can change the background, but it is not necessary. I just keep it white to make sure it is not distracting

Oh, and did I mentioned Canva can help you design the pictures? (I really wish Canva wasn’t free, I would make so much affiliate commission from this eBook lol)

Okay so now when the profile looks good I want to rant a bit.

If you have ever read any Twitter traffic guide before, maybe from some guru (no I am not a guru, I am not making 6 figures… yet) and they have told you to follow 1000s of people and have people follow you back, spam your links in tweets, follow another 1000 people and so on, I want you to forget about that shit.

People get told that they should provide value to their email list and not bombard them with offers but for Twitter that logic go out the window and I can’t understand why. If you have an email list, you need to provide value to make sure that people listen to you, if you have a social media account (Twitter, Facebook etc) you will need to provide value to make sure people listen to you!

Okay, so your account is set up. Make sure to start tweeting ASAP. You don’t want someone to find your account and see no tweets. You want an active account. Why would anyone follow someone that is never posting anything?

Once again, share your thoughts, videos, articles and other relevant stuff.

You don’t have to tweet all the time but 2-3 times per day will let people know that you are active on Twitter.

When sharing your landing pages or websites, make sure that the tweet is not selling.

Bad example:

“Click here to learn how to lose 17 pounds in 3 weeks: *link*”

Good example:

“WoW! She lost 17 pounds in 3 weeks. Congratulations to her *link*”

I am sharing a nice story that I “found” on the internet. I am not selling it. If the person is interested in losing weight you can bet on that they will click the link anyway. If you use the bad example, they will think that you just want to sell them anything and skip it.