Growth Hacking 101 by Layla Galarneau - HTML preview

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Growth Hacker Myths

If the steps above sound a little foreign, ignore the scientific jargon and look at what it truly means to be a growth hacker. Since the phrase sparked in 2010, too many people have said it too often and too out-of-context.

Much like a new buzz word, other phrases and wrongful ideologies are quickly associated with a new phrase like this one. Rather than continue to believe it’s only for certain types of people, browse the following to learn the myths behind the buzz.

First, it’s important to understand that a growth hacker does not have to a programmer or a traditional marketer. In fact, marketers wil have to greatly define and narrow their field in order to become a growth hacker.

By narrowing their field, it wil then require a marketer to deepen their skil set within that field. Among these myths, many outsiders feel that growth hackers only rely on analytics, which is also a wrongful interpretation. While analytics are important, they are more of a guideline to proficiency.


In addition to analytics, growth hackers are also resourceful with a curiosity about creative growth. Truly, it is the combination of right and left-brain that help the most successful growth hackers expand businesses in a successful and creative manner.

These individuals build upon the smallest amount of success and narrow their focus much like passing helium into the small hole of a balloon to expand the entire project to it’s greatest capacity.


Building A Funnel

Much like a bottleneck, a funnel begins with a wide end and then narrows in a triangular shape to a small opening. Funnels are needed when filtering uncooperative materials, in order to make them cooperate accordingly.

In terms of funneling customers, the goal is often to sort out the unpredictable individuals in order to find those who are searching for your product or type of information.

Essentially, you will want to guide visitors through the site in order for them to end at a signup or checkout point, inviting them into your community.

Imagine the large end of the funnel as the initial goal of “Inviting Visitors.”

These may be fans or they may be those who have literally stumbled upon the site by accident for the first time. Either way, the goal is to build a relationship with those who should belong to your group.

With this in mind, the next step would be to “Activate Members,” which consists of building a relationship with a customer or potential customer.

The third step would be to “Retain the Customer.”

Three-Step Breakdown

Imagine the three steps as the beginnings of a relationship. The first step (Inviting Visitors) results from a type of activation upon their part. Imagine this is an attractive individual flirting from across the table. Much like a wink, new users must join an email list, create an account, or purchase goods on the site.


The next step (Activate Members) wil then require that person to continue to use the product, much like being a romantic relationship where dates are the standard. This could include individuals who read and share emails or continue to purchase products on a regular basis. These users (Retain the Customer) most resemble getting married.