Growth Hacking 101 by Layla Galarneau - HTML preview

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Narrowing Results

After creating a detailed list of fields that interest you, narrow these down to two specific fields that most interest you. Sometimes, a product may overlap into both categories, but it’s best to start with two in order to brainstorm a wider range of results.

Once you have chosen two categories, conduct additional research. Begin by searching online for websites that focus on specific categories or visit a local bookstore to find out more information on a particular field of interest.


While it’s not important to choose a category for the wealthy, such as golf, it is important to choose a category of those who purchase goods within a field, such as runners or photographers who buy shoes and equipment.

Once you have chosen two specific markets, begin brainstorming ideas of products that currently do not exist, or have been marketed poorly.

Consider coming up with problems that exist and quick ways to solve these problems with a simple product. In terms of simple, think how revolutionary, yet essential, the windshield wiper was for the first vehicle.